Chapter One

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Zaria's POV
"Don't forget that your three thousand word essay on the industrial revolution is due this Friday before one o'clock. Have a good rest of the day." Professor Yuen said dismissing the lecture.

I begin packing up my things and walk over to my best friend Ashley. She's a plus sized white girl that I love to death. She's always there for me no matter what. She's closer to me than a best friend, she's honestly like a sister to me.

"Hey girl, did you start your essay yet?" I asked Ashely as we walked out of the classroom.

"Girl I started it, but I wasn't able to even finish a whole page because of Andre's horny ass." She replied. Andre is her boyfriend of two years. I'm honestly jealous of their relationship because they're so perfect for each other. Of course they have their disagreements and arguments, but they always work it out. I love him for her and he's like a big brother to me.

"You better finish that essay and tell Andre to keep it in his pants before y'all make me an auntie!" I laughed. We continued talking walking to the cafe that's on campus. We walked in and ordered our drinks. When we got our drinks we found a table in the corner of the cafe and sat down.

"So, did you find out what you're gonna do about the rent this month?" She asked taking a sip of her vanilla bean latte.

I sign, "Honestly, no I haven't. I've been looking online for jobs and I even went to jobs in the area and filled out applications and nothing!" I replied sourly.

I live in an apartment complex about fifteen minutes away from campus. I chose to live by myself because I love being independent and I hate depending on others for things. I'm about two hundred and fifteen dollars short for my rent this month and I know that if I don't pay on time I'm going to be evicted.

My landlord is a bitter old ass lady that irks my nerves. She always wants the rent on time and if you're even a day late she'll still kick you out.

Ashley broke me out of my thoughts when she began talking, "Well you know, you can always move in with me and Andre." I opened my mouth to decline, but she raised her hand shutting me up.

"I know your independent and you hate hand outs, but this isn't a hand out. To Andre and I you're our family. You're our sister and we both love you and we don't want anything to happen to you. So I'll say this if worst comes to worst and on the last day you don't have the money for the rent, you'll move in with Andre and I." She said.

This is why I love them so much. I smiled, "Thanks girl. If worst comes to worst I'll move in with your guys temporarily of course."

"Good, because I wasn't taking no for an answer." She laughed.

Her and Andre are all I have. My parents both passed away three years ago in a car accident. A drunk driver ran the red light and crashed head on into the car that my parents were in. My mom died on impact and my dad died in the ambulance on the way to the hospital. I was at Ashley's house when her mom came and told us the news. My whole world came crashing down in an instant.

I shook off those horrible memories and finished talking to Ashley until I decided it was time for me to leave and go home to finish my essay and to continue looking for a job.

I hugged Ashley and we went our separate ways. I walked to my green 2006 Toyota Camry and started it. I pulled out of the parking lot and headed on home. Once I get home, I went straight to the bathroom to take a hot shower to ease the stress away. I did my hygiene and I got out and dried off.

I put on a pair of pink pantie and bra set and grabbed an oversized shirt and put it on. I walked to my kitchen and grabbed my book sack that I had my laptop in it. I opened it and started on finishing my essay that I started four days ago.

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