1. Does it have to be three?

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Tyler's P.O.V

Where is he? He should be here 10 seconds ago. I swear, if he's not yet here, I'm gonna burn the whole school down. Well, maybe too exaggerated.

Studying in this school is both easy and hard. Well, students here left and right keeps talking about things that's not really anything I am interested at. School Crush jocks and stuffs, I hate it. It's just that type of "interesting" things that doesn't really interest me at all. I honestly don't know why people are always talking about stuffs like that. Boys talking about cheerleaders and their tiny skirts, perverts. Girls screaming whenever male school athletes pass infront of them.

Being alone here, and by alone I mean being the only student who doesn't speak "Cool people Language", is quite hard. I'm kinda stuck in the bottom of this social triangle, constantly trying to climb my way up, only to fall back down. It's a good thing Justine keeps me company. He is the best. He's extremely talkative and funny, and he is always there if you need him. We are kinda close to be honest. But like, he usually runs late. I hate that so much about him. He really has all the great traits a good friend you could ask for, except for the always late part.

After a few torturing seconds of waiting, he finally arrived. "Where have you been? You're late by 36 seconds. You know that I don't have someone to talk here 'cause I dont have anyone to talk to and because I'm the only human here." I said with a mixture of gladness-ish and anger-ish tone. "I'm sorry. I lost my pen in the school entrance. This thing is expensive."

I know, I'm being too bossy towards him. Please understand me. I'm the lonely "nerd" in school that doesn't have friends. People can't really relate because they have like a huge social group. Even Justine has like 7 friends or something. I still don't know he still hangs out with me.

"And besides why wouldn't you talk to Alvin and Kurt just for a while? They speak human words." He said with an annoyed face. I literally didn't even noticed them at the back.

Honestly, I would like to talk to them. But the problem is, I'm shy. As you see, they are like the most famous transferee in the campus. They are new at the school, but they've already made it to the top part of the social triangle. Even if they are new, it would take guts, lots of them, for me to be able to speak a word to them that easily.

"No. Why would I talk to them? They're famous, they're fabulous, they're cute--"

"What?" Justine asked with a confused face. Oh sweet candies. I just realized that I said they are cute. My mouth is so clumsy, I think it hates me.

Justine doesn't know that I'm gay. And if maybe I will say it, I don't know how he would react. I don't wan't to lose a bestfriend. For the 3 years we've met, I never really missed a chance to tell him all of my life, except the thing that I'm gay. It's just something that is very private for me. Although he is nice and all, he is pretty religous. I never really heard him say nasty things to gays and stuffs, but it's still scary.

"Umm... I mean, they are... Umm... They are cute and..."


"I don't wan't to be a friend with people like them. What will their fangirl club say? "Ugh. Kurt and Alvin have an ugly wimp and we are not friends with Kurt and Alvin huhuhu. We need to kill this guy." And I don't wan't them to kill me 'cause I'm too young to die."

At that moment, I ran out of any fake reasons to tell him. But still smooth as a sandpaper though. I just hope I did a good job at it.

"You're just Over reacting. It's just a simple talk." He said. "I'm starting to think your gay. But, I don't think you're one. 'cause I know who your crush is." I just nodded and said "Yeah yeah..." Honestly, I'm just pretending to like this random girl in the canpus just so that people won't think I'm gay. I'm really sorry Molly. You're pretty and all, I'm sorry for using you.

I really shouldn't be liking them. It has always been a rule for a wimpy gay guy to not date straight popular jocks. They always end up being so bad and they might hurt my tiny fragile heart.

The bell rang, and it's time for us to go to our first period.


After a short while, We started our first period and talked about things I'm not interested. It's kind of bit boring. I saw some of my classmates just sleeping while others are just talking. And the teacher are just okay with that. Justine is eating his potato chips.

"Okay class we will have a roleplaying activity. I'm gonna pair you with two other students here. And you are gonna be roleplaying random real life events." That woke me up from my random staring and daydreaming on the window. I looked at Justine who is already evily smirking towards me. To be honest, he's not that good at acting but I would rather be paired up with him than others. If you are paired with your friends, impossible things such as acting will be possible.


After a few minutes, I frowned 'cause Justine is paired with other students and not me. Then, the most tensing part, I was called. I stand up and the teacher said, "Tyler, you..." So far, I don't really care who I will be paired with. "Will be paired..." Can you please talk faster? "With..." Come on. "Kurt and Alvin..."


What!? Oh no! No no no no no no!

Alvin and Kurt both looked at me with mixed emotions. They both looked cute and hot when they do it-- eww why am I saying stuffs like this? This is gonna give me a heart attack. Then they stand up and we all listened to her.

I know there would be a reason why I am paired with just guys. Others are paired with either on or two girls. So I know there will be a reason why we're the only group with only guys in it. Kurt quickly raised his hands and said "Ma'am, can we just have another student. Out of all people you could pick, this fag right here is really your choice." Ohh... Don't be that harsh. He really is very homophobic, and I hate myself that I still like him.

Ms. Shaira glared him for maybe about 3 seconds and said "Hmm... Someone's a bit homophobic. Ah! I have a very great idea! You guys will be roleplaying an event which is very common to young teenager guys."

You will be roleplaying a love triangle of gay guys."

In this moment, my heart stopped beating. I could feel that my heart was thrown down into my stomach was slowly digested.

I could hear the other students laughing, including Justine.

Could this get worse?

Then the teacher announced, "not so fast. You are gonna be be working with a special student of mine. He is Gabriel, and the reason I paired him with you guys is because I could see that Tyler here is a great actor and Gabriel has a low grade in my acting project I gave him last time. So I decided that why not pair him with you guys."

How does that even make sense? What she said was true. Not to brag, I am quite good at acting. I won a bronze medal and a 3rd place trophy at the past two years on an event called Literary Competion.

Then Kurt asked our teacher, "Ew. Does it really have to be gay? That's the most disgusting thing."

"That's because you are homophobic, Kurt. You keep bullying gay guys. It's time that you should experience what is being like one. And if you're planning to say that I'm Christian, well. You're right, I am Christian. And I love my religion and my Lord. But I'm also a huge fan and supporter of the LGBTQ+ community. If I hear any homophobic language that comes from your mouth, I will surely add more. And besides, Tyler is not gay. He looks too cute to be gay." The teacher said.

Kurt wanted to talk back, but he was interupted by the bell. Then all the students went out.

Ms Shaira yelled "Pick up your scripts here on my desk later this afternoon."

I could feel Kurt's deadly glares at me. And maybe Alvin's as well. I just hope this doesn't get worse.


Wow. It took me me 1000-ish words to finish this chapter. I hope you guys like it. 😁😁😁😁

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