3. Random Day!?

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Yehey an update!!! I really hope you'll like this 😊. It took me about two days to make this so excuse the really bad grammars or plots blah blah blah... Okay, enough with the words... Proceed now.

Tyler's P.O.V

Another morning, another day of Hell-- school. I meant school. Ugh. I always get those two mixed up sometimes. You can't really differentiate them. They're so similar. Anyways, I better get ready for the day.

Hmm... I can't seem to find my phone. I usually just place it flat on the table. Maybe it's just underneath the bed. I better check. *Stands up*. "AGH!!!". Shoot I forgot. I still have a slight sore in my butt area from yesterday when I fell from the table I was standing on. I could be mad at Alvin and Gabe, but I can't. Though, it's a good thing they gave me a ride home.

Agh. It really does hurt. I can't even bend. Aww. I would probably look stupid walking like this. Should I go to school or no? Why am I asking myself? It's not like I can cannot go to school.

"Tyler, are you okay up there?" Mom yelled. "Your phone is in your bag. You dropped it under your bed while your sleeping. You really are a clumsy man. I'm not gonna be suprised if one day you broke your phone because you dropped a chip of toenail above it". Mom exclaimed.

I wen't downstairs to take the phone. Just when I was about to go back up, "Tyler... Where do you think you're going?". Umm... What!? "Mom?" "I said "where do you think you're going?"" whut!? You got me in CONFUZZLED! "I'm going back up?" I said as I was trying my best to tiptoeingly go upstairs back to my room, but -- "Umm no, mister! You're staying here and eat your breakfast."

"But mom, I'm gonna be late." Umm... Maybe. Not really sure. Mom raised her eyebrows in a somewhat "Uhuh" look. "Really!? As far as I know, it's only six in the morning". "But--". "No more buts. Sit your butt. You pesky mut." I gave her a questioning look. Since when did she learn how to rhyme stuffs?


I was walking towards school. I didn't join dad and my sisters today 'cause they went off earlier. I checked my watch, I still have 45 minutes to spare. I shifted my heels and went off to Justine's place to pick him up. It's not like he needed to. But since I still have time, I decided it would be fun if we go to school together.

*Knock knock knock* hmm... Nobody's answering.

*Knock knock knock* still, nobody answered.

*Knock knock*. Finally, the door swung open and finally saw Justine but, I'm not glad on what I saw. He is pale and looks like he haven't slept in months. I looked him in the eyes and said "Are you okay? Why are you so pale? Why aren't you ready for school".

He just looked to the floor and said "I can't come to the school right now, I will be transfering to another school today and we will be transfering to another house. And... I don't know, man. It's just, mom and all. It doesn't really have to do with you being gay and be--"

My eyes widened and my mouth suddenly exclaimed "What!?" He just smirked in a sarcastic way and said "Ohh... pfft sorry. My bad." I went awkward silent for a bit. I said "What did you said awhile ago? You're leaving?" I asked, still confused. He then confessed that he won't be studying in our school now and he & his family will move out. We had a conversation about that, although I kinda felt sad and stuffs because my friend is moving out. I was about to cry or something then he said "SIKE!" and bursted out laughing.

I felt a painful building inside me. I don't know if I'm mad, confused, or sad. I bursted "WHAT WAS THAT FOR!?" , but he continued to laugh more. It took him about a minute to calm down and said "I'm kidding. Jeez. Why so serious?" I fumed and said "WHY WOULD I NOT BE SERIOUS!? I was literally about to cry!" He then patted me in my shoulder and said "You should get used to me doing tricks like that to you, you know? We're friends!" I sighed. Why is he like this?

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