Chapter II

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Yuri's day was normal. Nothing unexpected, and certainly no one talking to her. At lunch she ate alone. Each period, no one talked to her. During Science, the teacher even forgot to call her name. Then came the end of the school day and the beginning of the Literature Club. Despite not much happening, it was her favorite part of the day. It was the one time she got to read and write as she pleased without being mocked by anyone who found out. She got the Literature Club room and sat down at her usual seat. Sayori, as always, was jumping around the class humming her favorite tune. It took her a second to stop moving and realize something.

"Where's Monika?"

Yuri, to be honest, had no idea where Monika could be. Monika's last period teacher was much more relaxed than most of the other teachers and often let the students out early, so this was unusual.

"I-I don't know..." Yuri mumbled, just barely audible to the untrained ear. Sayori, of course, heard her anyway. She had a nack for hearing people who were trying to remain unheard.

"Well, I hope she shows up soon! The club really is nothing without her!"

Just then, Monika arrived at the club room holding on to someone's wrist. The girl had pink hair with red, bow-shaped hair clip in the front. She was also shorter than anyone else in the classroom. Sayori, just like Yuri knew she would, jumped up and down in excitement.

"Monika! You found a new member!"

The girl was obviously very confused and tried to say something before Sayori cut her off and ran over to her. "Pleased to meet you, I'm Sayori!" Yuri timidly introduced herself and returned to reading. She was nervous at the thought of a new recruit. What if she judged her? What if she became her worst enemy? Worst-case scenarios swirled in Yuri's head. Luckily, the girl had yet to make up her mind. Yuri hoped that she would deny the offer to join.

"I'm joining the literature club!" The Pink-Haired girl announced.

As Monika and Sayori cheered, Yuri silently groaned and got back to reading

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