Chapter VII

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Saturday was here. Yuri waited anxiously for Natsuki to arrive. Her parents had gone out for the weekend and trusted her with the house. It was 11:47. Will she be here on time? Will she be here at all? Yuri was a nervous wreck. She was sweating profusely. 11:53. Still sweating. Constantly checking the window. 11:57. Will she be here? 12:02. Still not here. Wait, is that her?

Natsuki was easily visible through the window. She was here! Yuri opened the door just as Natsuki got to it. "H-Hi!" she said. It was weird to see her without the school uniform on. She was wearing a pink shirt with a cat on it. "How adorable!" Yuri thought.

"Hey there, Yuri." Natsuki said. She barged in carrying a huge bag of baking supplies. Yuri closed the door behind her and followed her into the kitchen. There, they laid out the baking supplies. Yuri helped Natsuki turn the many ingredients into a cupcake batter that Natsuki insisted upon stirring. Yuri watched Natsuki with love as she stirred the batter.


Natsuki's opinion of Yuri had risen considerably. She saw her as a great friend, especially as they talked more and more on club days. She really looked forward to this visit. When she arrived at Yuri's house, she wasted no time. The two girls talked as they eventually turned the ingredients into a batter. The conversation was mostly small talk, until Yuri mentioned Manga.

"I've been reading Parfait Girls recently... I'm on Volume II..." she said, not as shy as usual.

"Ah, good! What do you think so far?"

"Well... to be honest, before, I didn't really enjoy Manga. I saw it as childish. But reading through Parfait Girls, or at least what I've gotten through so far, has really opened my eyes."

Natsuki was amazed at how detailed Yuri's  opinion of Parfait Girls was. She never thought of the intricacies of it before. It was an enlightening experience for her, listening to Yuri speak.

"...but anyway, that's just my take. What do you think?"

"Me? Uh... well, I... shouldn't discuss it with you yet! I wouldn't want to spoil it or anything!"

Natsuki's take on Parfait Girls wasn't nearly as complex as Yuri's. "I'll have to re-read's been a while." She thought to herself.

"Oh, well, okay..." Yuri said, returning to her timid self. "So, uh, I'll preheat the oven..."

"Good idea!" Natsuki admitted. It was true that the batter was almost done. While the oven was preheating, they made the icing, which was admittedly fun. They had a few good laughs while making it, and before they knew it they were done. Now all they had to do was bake the cupcakes and ice them when they were done. Natsuki didn't know what to do in the meantime.

"Um..." Yuri started. "M-Maybe we could... uh... watch a m-movie...?"

Natsuki thought that was a good idea. "Sure!" She said. Yuri went to a small bookshelf that had a number of movies on it. She looked through what she had. Natsuki went over as well. "Ooh, how about this one?" Natsuki picked up "One Saturday Night."

"Oh, th-that one?" Yuri said. "Th-That one's a r-romance movie..."

"Yeah? I love Romance movies! Pun intended."

Yuri chuckled. She grabbed One Saturday Night and popped it into the DVD player. She and Natsuki sat on the couch.


Yuri couldn't believe what was happening. Natsuki was on HER couch, in HER house, watching a movie at night. Was this a dream?

The couch wasn't very big, as a matter of fact there was just enough room for them to sit next to each other. Yuri debated whether or not to put her arm around Natsuki. She decided to slowly inch her arm around the back of the couch. She was shaking the entire time she was doing it. She was thinking of the consequences: What if she doesn't feel the same way? What if I'm rejected? What if she hates me after this? This time, however, she ignored these thoughts. By now, her arm was all the way around Natsuki's shoulders. Then, to her surprise, Natsuki leaned on her. Yuri was shocked. This is a dream! A dream! This-- no. This is real. Yuri, with newfound confidence, put her hand on Natsuki's shoulder. They were there for a good half hour until the timer for the cupcakes went off. Natsuki got up and shot off for the oven, with Yuri trailing behind. By the time Yuri got there, Natsuki already had an oven mitt on and was getting the cupcakes out of the oven. There the were, golden brown. They looked delicious.

"Natsuki...uh...about...on the couch..." Yuri said, once more nervous.

"We don't have to discuss it if you don't want to. All I want you to know is that I enjoyed it, Yuri. I enjoy your company."

They iced the cupcakes in silence and went back to the couch to watch the movie.

"One Saturday Night" is completely fictitious. Any resemblance to any movie, living or dead, is completely coincidental.

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