Chapter V

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The next day, Sayori came in with someone else. His name was Morp, and he was a lifetime friend of Sayori's. Apparently, Sayori had convinced him to join the Literature Club. This shook everything up. A boy  joining the club?? Thus far it had been just girls. Surely they would all fall for him.

Sayori and Monika became obsessed with him, while Natsuki was suspicious. Yuri was flat-out disinterested because... well, Natsuki didn't know why. Speaking of Yuri, she had been acting strange today. She became slightly more social, especially towards Natsuki. "Ah! Wait" Natsuki remembered. What with Morp's arrival and all, she had forgotten to give Yuri the Manga she had planned to give her. She went to the back closet and (thankfully) the Manga was right where it was supposed to be, on the second shelf.  She grabbed Parfait Girls and Hitashi's Journey and went over to Yuri, who was seemingly daydreaming.

"Hey, Yuri!" Natsuki said with a wide smile.

Yuri jumped, not expecting to see Natsuki there. She started to sweat and slightly blushed.

"Y-Yeah...?" She said in a tone slightly louder than a mumble.

"Since you seemed to interested in my Manga yesterday, I've decided to lend you Parfait Girls and Hitashi's Journey!" She plopped the books into Yuri's hands. Yuri was clearly stunned.

"Th-Thank you, Natsuki... I appreciate this..." Yuri said, as timid as ever.

Morp came over to them.

"Hey there, I'm Morp."

"Natsuki." Natsuki said, offering a handshake. After the handshake, Yuri introduced herself.

"H...Hi...uh, I'm...I'm Yuri..."

"Well, hello, Yuri! I look forward to discussing poetry with you two!" Morp said, blissfully cheerful. Natsuki sensed he may have been faking it, but she decided not to think it over that much. Natsuki turned to Yuri, but she had already gone to the other side of the room and was reading Parfait Girls.

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