2: Tickets

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Lindsey froze, she was speechless. Her eyes were widened. "Mom? Are you okay?" Bandit said, a bit worried about her mother.

"I-I'm fine sweetie. I'm just not in the mood to listen to music right now" She sighed.
For a second I could have sworn I saw tears well up in her eyes. I didn't want to question it.

"Okay...I'll just listen to music in my room. You know how I am on Father's day.." Bandit said as her mom parked the car.

Bandit ran upstairs to put the mysterious CD in her laptop. She plugged in her earbuds and listened. The song started to play. It was so beautiful. The song was called Helena, it was so raw with emotion and Bandit loved everything about it.

Bandit decided to look more of the songs from My Chemical Romance after listening to the whole album three times in a row. Turns out there were music videos. She noticed that Gerard has changed his hair style a lot. One music video he was in a parade float with the rest of the band and had short white hair. And then the next one he had medium length red hair the whole band were dressed as superheros from the future. She clicked on that video, the song was called 'Na Na Na ( Na Na Na Na Na )' at the end of the video it said 'Danger Days: The true lives of the fabulous killjoys coming soon'

Bandit then checked the date on the video, it was uploaded two weeks ago! With a little more research she found our that Mikey was Gerard's younger brother and he believed in unicorns, Frank was really short and Ray has been best friends with Mikey since they were kids and that the whole band was around her mom's age.

She then remembered what Alex had said but her mom called her for dinner.

She ran downstairs, her mom had made pasta. They both sat down at the dining table and ate.

"So, anything interesting happen today?" Lindsey said.

"Well, nothing really besides Alex showing me that band. She showed me the band members and said that I looked like I was related to the lead vocalist, funny right? But nothing really besides that, how about you mom?" Bandit said.

"Nothing much happened today." Lindsey said.

They then ate in silence.


Today was Saturday, which meant no school. Alex was over to hang out.

"Soooo, did you like the band?" Alex said sitting down in a bean bag in bandit's room.

"Yeah, it was amazing! I'm surprised I've never heard of them before." Bandit said

"Good... I have a surprise for you." She unzipped her bag and pulled out two VIP concert tickets for My Chemical Romance.

Bandit's face lit up with excitement. "OH MY GOD THANK YOU SO MUCH, ALEX YOU ARE MY BEST FRIEND EVER THANK YOU THANK YOU AHHH!!", Bandit squealed, hugging her best and only friend tight.

"The concert's in two weeks, you might want to ask your mom first. Knowing her, she'll probably say yes, or ask if there is an adult coming with us."

"Yeah, probably" Bandit said.

They both ran downstairs, Lindsey was no where to be found in the living room. They both then heard a bass playing in her mom's room. They both ran in the bedroom to see Bandit's mom playing her bass, she notices the two kids in the doorway. "Hey kiddos, what are you doing?",

"I have a question, I bought two vip concert tickets to see My Chemical Romance in two weeks, can bandit come?," Alex said.

"Well-..." Lindsey paused, She had a hesitant look on her face, like she was hiding something. She sighed, "I guess you can, just bring some mace just in case someone tries to steal you."

"THANK YOU SO MUCH MOM!!!!" Bandit squealed as she hugged her mom tightly.

Lindsey then mumbled something under her breath, but no one could hear it.

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Bandit said

"What was what?" Lindsey lied.


*Time skip to where Alex has gone home*

Bandit was on her laptop, she decided to image search Gerard way to see how many times he has dyed his hair. There was one picture that caught her eye. It was him with short-ish black hair and he was next to a girl with blood red lips and dark brown eyes, she had black hair that was in low pigtails, like her mom. She was wearing a blue jean jacket and she wore a black choker. She looked like a younger version of her mom. And then it struck her.
It was her mom.

She was a bit freaked out so she slammed her laptop shut.

Her mom had some explaining to do.

An mcr fic  wrote at 3am Where stories live. Discover now