Another Reason To Live (Gerard Way fanfic)

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~ Prologue ~

You know that feeling? The one where you really want to try something, even though you know it's bad for you? Just to...just to know how it feels. It's always impossible though. There's always someone to tell you you're being an idiot and stop you.

But it's not fair. Why shouldn't you be able to know what that one odd food at the concession stand tastes like? Why do people have to tell you you're being stupid when you suggest dying your hair blue and pink?

Why do they try to keep you alive? Especially when you're longing for the feeling of your body free falling from that roof, until it collides with whatever happens to be underneath you. Or maybe you just want to know if you can't feel it. You want the closure that you can't feel anything.

Sometimes people keep you alive for their own benefit. Their selfish reasons. They keep you alive because they want you to be, not because it's what's best for you.

I remember that feeling. I remember sitting on that ledge, staring down happily at the police officer telling me to stay where I am. I waved to him a few times. Even blew him a kiss. Hell, I had nothing to lose.

The wind had been blowing my hair back. My sweatshirt was clinging to my skin, providing a barrier from the cold. I was on top of the world.

My short lived victory had been the best time of my life. It wasn't the attention of all those eyes on me, all of them giving me a reason to live. Fake reasons, anyhow. It was the fact that I had control over my life. I was playing God.

Like I said though, it was a short lived victory. Someone, who was but a stranger to me then, kept me alive.


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