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Uma's POV

I walk in the library and see Harry playing the piano and humming a tune

I walk in the library and see Harry playing the piano and humming a tune

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Uma:I can see you didn't lose your touch

Harry:Just seeing if it was in tune

Uma:Stop the lies

I walk closer to Harry look at the sheetwork

Uma:What are you humming

I begin reading the lyrics and look at Harry still playing the keys

Uma:These lyrics are beautiful

Harry:I wrote it when I was back on the isle when we first met that night I wrote the song hoping someone with a beautiful voice such as yours would sing it for me

Uma:Move over

Harry moves over and continues playing

Harry:I'll count you in ok?


Harry:3...2...1 go

Uma:(singing)Run, run like the devil's behinds us
Run to where no one can find us
Be my accomplice to my crime
Oh baby
Run, run cause we're guilty as sin
Run 'cause we know we won't win
We know together we kill time

You'll never face a judge without me
You'll never battle the gavel alone
And if they lock us away
Then I'll be still here
Proudly waiting to kill more time, with you

We'll be outlaws
We'll take on the world
We'll be outlaws

Run, run like you never did
'Cause they found the evidence
And they found your fingerprints

Harry:Why'd you stop

Uma:Because I can't help but think

Harry:About what

Uma:Why'd you keep this song all these years

Harry:Because you're my first love

Uma:And you were mine my first kiss, my first boyfriend---

Harry:No Uma Your first love isn’t the first person you kiss, or the first person you date. Your first love is the person you will always compare everyone to. The person that you will never truly get over, even when you’ve convinced yourself you’ve moved on have you moved on truly Uma?

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