It's only us

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Harry's POV

I walk into the chip shoppe and see Uma with trays in my hand and she slams it on the counter

Harry:Hey pretty

Uma:Ugh you're here

Uma smiles at me and I make my way over to her inching closer

Uma:Missed me?

Harry:You have no idea

Uma knocks my hat off and runs her fingers through my hair and she lifts her hand and notices blood on her hair

Harry:I nicked myself this morning

Uma:How bad is it

Harry:Very bad love

Uma takes me upstairs and takes me in the bathroom and sits me on the toilet

Uma:This is gonna hurt

Uma pushes my head forward and pours stuff on my neck making me groan in pain


Uma:What were you trying to do?

Harry:Shave the back of my neck

Uma:Once a week it's either you or Gil doing stupid shit like this


Uma rubs cream on the wound and Wraps it up in guards

Uma:Don't touch it



Uma looks at me and we go downstairs and I see angry people waiting on food

Harry:I'll help

5 hours later

Uma takes off her apron and throws it at a customer and I see Gil sleeping on table


Uma:Let him sleep

I walk over to Uma and slap her butt making her jump then smile

Uma:Shouldn't you be going home?

Harry:I missed you

Uma:You're dad might be under the influence and he'll need you

Harry:What about you?

Uma:I'll be fine I can handle my own

Harry:What about Gil

Uma:We're having a sleepover

Harry:Fine promise you'll get some rest?

Uma:I promise

I leave the shoppe after kissing Uma and rub her butt

Harry:You'll see me tomorrow

Uma:Wouldn't have it any other way

Uma's POV

I rub Gil's back gently waking him up and he smiles

Gil:Hi...sorry I'll go home

Uma:No go upstairs and get changed you need rest

Gil walks upstairs and I finish cleaning the shoppe and I call Harry's house on the landline

H:Hook's residence?
U:Hey handsome
H:Hey are you ok?
U:I just got finished with the shoppe
H:Want me to come back over don't you?
H:On my way keep the window open

I hang up the phone and walk upstairs and see Gil spread out on my bed and I chuckle


Gil shifts his body to the side of the bed so 2 more people can lay down and Harry climbs in the room by the window


Harry pecks my lips and runs his fingers through my hair and lays down after kissing

Harry:You missed me?


Harry:Come on

Harry guides me to the window and grabs the fire escape

Harry:Is he sleep?

Uma:Yeah he's pretty tired


Harry grabs my face and kisses me and pulls me closer to his chest

Uma:I wish we could go public

Harry:We'd destroy everyone in the process

Uma:I don't care I could care less about everybody but you

Harry:I know pretty

Uma:C'mon I'm pretty tired

Harry and I walk back in the room and lay on the bed gently not trying to wake Gil up and I burry my face in Harry's chest

Harry:Goodnight Uma

Uma:Night Harry

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