A new adventure

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Garrison's POV

I walk out of Ally's room to see Harry and Uma with their arms crossed

Garrison:Do you always stalk your crew members?

Harry:Are you stalking Ally?

Garrison:No...she dropped her pen in class and I was returning it

Harry:Before or after YOU broke in her room

Garrison:Did you see her art work it's amazing

Uma:Yeah I know we sit next to each other in class

Garrison:Dude look at this he's me SHE DREW ME

Uma:She drew her father he looks a lot...like you


Harry:I can't tutor you today


Harry:Uma and I have a date

Garrison:You asshole

Ally:Garrison right?

Garrison:Ye—a—h it's Garrison

Ally:Are you ready for the lesson?


Ally:Harry called me and asked me if I could fill in for his session with you and I mean it's after what you did for Harold

Garrison:Yeah I guess so I'm cool with Hugo

Ally:Well c'mon

Ally grabs my hand and pulls me in her room and Harry and Uma smile at me

Harry:Study hard

Uma:Don't forget "You won't get anywhere if you don't believe"

1 hour later

Our hands continue intersecting as we study and she grabs my pinky and holds it after playing with it for a second

Our hands continue intersecting as we study and she grabs my pinky and holds it after playing with it for a second

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Garrison:Be honest


Garrison:Why are you helping me

Ally:I told you already you saved Harold's life last night

Garrison:Ally seriously not even 35 hours ago you hated me and now you're helping me...read

Ally:Ok...I know this sounds really...crazy but you remind me of my dad before the war got to him and he killed himself

Garrison:And what does that have to do with me

I push Ally's hair behind her ear and notice her still holding my pinky

Ally:Uh my dad was awesome he always brought the homeless and let them stay for night, he was really great and I really see a lot of him in you and I don't know I feel connected to you in a way

Garrison:And that's why you're helping me?


Garrison:I'm sorry for digging up your past

Ally:It's fine let's just...finish the lesson

Ally wipes her tears and I pull her in a hug and she hugs back

Ally:I'm fine really now what does this say

Ally pulls out a flashcard and I look at the word and see nothing but scribbles

Garrison:I give up

I grab my bookbag and walk out the door and Ally grabs my hand

Ally:Wait c'mon it's ok

Garrison:I'm an idiot Allison

Ally:No you aren't your actually very smart for someone like you this isn't your fault

Garrison:I can't do it

Ally:Garrison I know you can do thi——

Garrison:SHUT UP

Ally backs away from me and I slowly walk away and I begin crying

Ally:Garrison c'mon


Ally:Let's go

Ally grabs my hand and walks me back in her room

Garrison:Whatever you're trying to do won't work

Ally:Just stop talking

Ally lays me on her bed and lays me next to her

Ally:Just hold me

Garrison:No problem


2 hours of talking and laughing

Ally:That scar on your face....What happened?

Garrison:Um back on the Isle I escaped the tower my mom left me in and she found me and hit me so bad the scar never healed

Ally:That's terrible

Garrison:No that's the Isle

Ally rubs my scar and I grab her hand and rub my thumb back and forward on her arm

Ally:You should get some rest you have more studying tonight

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