You're safe with me kid

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Ally's POV

I wake up with Garrison's arms around me and I sit up in shock

Garrison:Hey bro

Ally:Uh hey

Garrison:I'm going for a swim

Garrison walks out the door and Uma walks in with a smile on her face

Uma:Good god I've never felt more satisfied in one night in my life

Ally:I think I'm gonna throw up

Uma:What's up

Ally:I slept with Garrison


Ally:No not awesome


Ally:Because he's exactly like my father


Ally:No! Everyone I get close to walks out my mom was basically stuck with me and I don't want that to happen with Garrison

Uma:You have to take a risk on him

Ally:Maybe you're right

Uma:I know I am

I walk to the pool and see Harry, Gil, Liam, Gonzo, and Jonas in the pool

Jonas:Damn you grew up well

Garrison:SHUT UP

Garrison punches Jonas' arm and I put my feet in the pool

Ally:We have to get back to studying

Garrison:Um ok?

Garrison gets out the pool with water glistening off his chest

Harry:Where is Uma

Gonzo:Yeah I'm shocked she isn't on top of you right now

Harry:Watch it G

Gonzo:No you watch it "Ook"

Harry grabs Gonzo by the neck and choke slams him back in the water and gets out the pool

Garrison:You ready to go?


Garrison:Before we go study can I take you somewhere



Garrison grabs my hand and I feel like everything is gonna be ok when he holds my hand and pulls me away

15 minutes later

Garrison and I arrive in an alleyway and Garrison hands me a bandanna

Garrison:Do you trust me?

Ally:I trust you

Garrison:C'mon let's go

Garrison climbs up the fire escape and throws a rope down and I climb up

Garrison:That was quick c'mon

Garrison grabs me by my waist and picks me up

Ally:Why are we here

Garrison:I saw the paintings and the drawings so this is your canvas

Garrison tears a sheet off the   billboard revealing a blank canvas

Ally:Thank you

Garrison:Let's get started

Ally:What do I paint

Garrison:Anything you want to

I grab a spray can and begin painting and so does Garrison

2 hours later

Ally:Fairy godmother is gonna kill us

Garrison:I'm not too worried about her

Garrison sits next to me and gives me his hoodie

Garrison:Hey you told me you weren't cut from the same cloth as everyone else in Auradon


Garrison:Care to elaborate?

Ally:I just got back from rehab


Ally:Yeah it was pretty bad

Garrison:Hey...come here

Garrison grabs my chin and pulls me in kiss and deepens it and I pull away

Ally:I'm sorry

Garrison:Don't be sorry

Ally:It's just that everyone I get close to always ends up hurting me

Garrison:Look at me

Garrison moves closer to me and puts his hands on my waist

Garrison:I'm not leaving you I promise you I'm not

Garrison pulls me in another kiss and I let him without breaking it

Garrison pulls me in another kiss and I let him without breaking it

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Garrison:Wait I wanna remember this

Garrison puts the bandanna back on his face and takes his phone out and takes a picture of us

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