Paws & Swords

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Uma's POV

I wake up to hear Gil and some girl above me moaning their asses off



Harry:Sucks having Gil live above you huh


Harry:I wonder who he's up there with


Harry:It's fine just let me take care of it

Harry grabs his pistol and walks upstairs and I immediately hear gunfire

Harry:Who is this?

Gil:Meet Sarah daughter of Snow White

Harry:Oh my god Gil Gaston

Sarah:Ex Gaston you said you were a Hook

Gil:I basically am

Sarah looks at Harry up and down with a smirk on her face while Harry is confused


Sarah:You must me a hook

Harry:I'll carve your eye out and make you eat it

Sarah:Such a turn on

Uma:How about a sharp blade from his girlfriend

I grab the dagger from the counter and place it on Sarah's neck

Uma:I suggest you make your way back for Bore-a-don before I actually let this blade swipe like a credit card

I push Sarah to the wall and she grabs her clothes and runs outside

Uma:No more girls in here I haven't slept in days

Gil:I know it's just I'm terrified to face my father and I'm tired of things


Harry:Ya know...things

Uma:Oh my god just no girls in here I'm serious

I grab Harry's hand and walk downstairs and Harry starts kissing my neck

Uma:You know how much I love that

Harry:Yeah I do so just relax...and let me take care of everything

Harry picks me up and lays me on the bed and kisses my neck

Uma:No Harry c'mon we can't

Harry:C'mon just a quickie

Uma:We agreed to wait

Harry:I know

Uma:Can't we just ya kn——

Harry:No need to speak I know come here

Harry lays down and pulls me in his arms and kisses me

Harry:All the stars in the sky none of them compare to the sparkle in your eyes

Uma:Thanks handsome

I pull on Harry's chin hair making him laugh

Uma:Let's get some rest

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