Family meeting

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Uma's POV

I wake up and see Jonathan doing push-ups and Micheal too


Jonathan:Hey I didn't think you'd be up

Melody:Don't you two have a family meeting in like 15 minutes

Jonathan and Uma:OH SHIT

Jonathan and I get dressed into different clothes and rush out the door

Mia:And there they go

Melody:Off like the waves

Mia:Stop being poetic

Melody:Hey weren't we suppose to go and make sure nothing happened?

Mia:Oh shit

Melody and Mia get dressed and run out the door with us

10 minutes later

Jonathan and I walk in the shop breathless along with Melody and Mia

Jonathan and Uma:Hey Ma



I walk and hug dad and Jonathan stares at Mom and I go and grab his hand


Ursula:And you are?


Ursula:A loud one huh

Jonathan:You b—-


Chance:Hey Melody Hey Mia

Jonathan:Uma can we leave?

Uma:Just give it 15 minutes


2 hours later

I notice Jonathan balling up his fists and I put my hand on his shoulder calming him down

Uma:C'mon you got this

Jonathan:I just wanna go home

Ursula:As I was saying I need BOTH of my children to come back to the shop

Chance:You're insane

Ursula:You're homeless

Chance:Still the same bitch huh

Ursula:And you're the same Hobo that's still crashing—-

Uma:Don't talk about my father like that

Ursula:You're just as bitchy as he is

Jonathan:Don't talk to my sister like that

My necklace starts glowing and Jonathan's ear beings turning scaly



Mia:Uma and Jonathan calm down

Uma:Jonathan let's go

Jonathan:You don't need to tell me twice

Jonathan grabs his coat and Chance stops me from leaving

Chance:Uma...before you go

Uma:Dad please let me through

Chance:I love you Uma

I instantly freeze in shock and he keeps that grin on his face the same one I had with Harry and I actually feel the same way

Uma:I love you too Dad

Jonathan punches a wall shocking everyone in the room

Uma:Jonathan let's get out of here

I shove Jonathan out the shop and board ship

Uma:You ok? I know the stuff she said kinda ticked you off

Jonathan:I just hate her she gave me up

Uma:Yeah I know baby bro

I sit next to Jonathan and he lays his head on my shoulder and cries

Uma:It's ok

Jonathan:I HATE HER

Uma:I know

I comfort Jonathan for a few minutes and he wipes his tears

Jonathan:After everything i've been through I should she'd treat me like her son but she just treats me like honest shit

Uma:At least you didn't get beat for 16 years of your life

Jonathan:Uma you're the best sister I could ask for

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