Cute gay couple

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"Can I have bacon with that?"

I get a murderous glance from Ponsi as he sits down on his chair to taste the vegan meal he prepared for us. I grin at him brightly and try his mushroom steaks with mashed potatoes.

It's Friday and Ponsi and I decided to have dinner with each other again. I love spending time with him and I also really enjoy the fact that he seems to be in good spirits when we're together alone. Isom's 'secret' that he shared with me after the New year's party was messing with me until now. He was able to tell me something rather personal and I am now constantly thinking that I should've done the same thing. However I am still debating how should I introduce him my relationship with this spindly, hungry man, who's sitting across from me.

"It's a nice weather today. Perfect weather for a date, right?"

I look up from my plate and stare at Ponsi, who didn't seem to catch my drift and was still looking down at his meal.

"Yeah, it's pretty sunny."

He said calmly and uninterested while I sighed heavily. Look at me, you imbecile, can't you see I'm referring to something? I try again.

"I overheard someone calling us a 'cute gay couple' when we were at the party at Isom's house..."

I stare at him now, more intensively, which probably made me look like a psycho but I didn't care. I need a reaction from this man, damn it! He finally caught me looking at him and his confused expression made me anticipated.

"So? We are gay."

"For fuck's sake."

I couldn't resist and face palmed myself while leaning back on my chair.

"What? What do you want from me?"

I looked at him and watch his sapphire eyes fill up with uncertainty and complete clueless. I smile slightly; how can I stay mad this guy? He's fucking adorable. Instead of coming up with any more allusions and letting Ponsi fail completely in trying to figure them out, I tell him exactly what I mean.

"What I am trying to say is that...I was kind of thinking, I guess, that...well, we should tell the guys about us."

Ponsi's small shoulders straightened and to my surprise, he just shrugged them.

"Ok? And what?"

"What do you mean 'what'?"

He scratched his stubble and slowly curved his mouth to one side. What is he thinking right now? This conversation is the strangest and most awkward thing I've ever experienced with Ponsi. I mean, unless I don't count the time after our first kiss but never mind that.

"I mean, what's the big deal? You look kind of intense."

"Sorry, I didn't meant to be so exaggerative but I was thinking about this for a while, you know?"


This simple question made me question his mental capacity. Is he joking or does he really not understand me?

"The thing is, dear Ponsi, that I don't even know what we are. Are we just hanging out or are we dating or what? Sometimes it feels like we're just friends with benefits."

He smirked at me and I could see the sarcasm sparkling in his eyes. Oh, goodness, what remark is he gonna make this time?

"Well, if you consider me to be your 'friend with benefits' than I'm failing pretty miserably. Mark, we didn't even had sex. Besides that, I like you way too much to put a label on our relationship."

My cheeks blushed and my stomach tightened. I love that despite his strange ego, he sometimes shows that he cares and appreciates me, which makes me always flutter.

I put my elbows on the table and looked at Ponsi, taking in his lovely appearance; scruffy beard, messy hair and tired droopy eyes. He's such a cutie patootie.

"I like when you show your sweet side, you know?"

I caught his smug as he said:

"And I like when you look at me this way. If the relationship thing is so important to you, than I will gladly call myself your boyfriend, ok?"

He takes his empty plate to the sink, while I quickly finish my portion of the food to catch up with him on the sofa. 

"What are you gonna do about the job? Did you find anything or are you still working at the shitty vinyl shop?"

Ponsi asked as he put his left arm around me.

"Not sure yet. I don't really wanna think abut it right now. And it's not shitty."

We both laugh and I scoot a little closer to really feel his contact. It was quite uncomfortable to lean against his bony body but being able to sense his cheap cologne made me ignore that fact and enjoy the feeling of being next to Ponsi. 

"Whatever you say. And what do you wanna talk about?"

"Maybe the fact that I'm getting so fucking old and I'll probably die really soon."

"Eeeer - ok, I guess? Kind of a weird subject but carry on."

He giggled and I chuckled with him. He obviously has no clue.

"You know why I'm saying this, right?"

There was a minute of silence. Yeah, he has no fucking clue but that just makes me smile, at the picture of his confused face, even more.

"Well, death is inevitable so..."

"My birthday, Ponsi. My birthday's coming up. But you knew that, right?"

I looked at him, still grinning from one ear to another. I raised one strand of his messy hair into the air, which made him look like a puzzled chimpanzee. 

"Yeah, obviously I did. I'm your boyfriend, remember?"

We just nodded and I leaned against him while he put his arm around me again.

Then, we both bursted in giggles. 

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