Delicate Figure

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Ponsi closed the door after I walked into the dressing room, Carli lurked us into. I remained standing close to him because I thought that she's gonna need something from us. Oh boy, was I wrong...

Her blonde curled locks were falling into her face that was covered with flawless makeup as she kept her head down, her arms folded. I took a look at the room; the furniture was all white, there was a vase with lilies nearby on the table but, what really caught my attention, was the snow white wedding dress embroiled with shiny tiny pearls. It was gorgeous. 

Carli clearly noticed my astonished appearance and walked towards the gown, smiling kindly.

"It's beautiful, isn't it?"

Her voice broke at the end and suddenly there were tears pouring from her eyes. I looked at Ponsi but, similarly to me, he had no idea what to do. Were are the shitting bridesmaids when you need them? How can Ponsi and I comfort a soon to be wife when we struggle to even comfort ourselves?

"It's - it's gonna be okay. I know you're probably really sentimental -"

"You don't understand... I did something horrible."

Her shaky hands were still covering her tearful face as she sat down onto a chair and continued hiccuping. My heart was beating fast now because I got a very dark intuition deep inside of me. An intuition, I hope very much, is wrong.

"God, what have I done."

She whispered and uncovered her eyes to reveal the black mascara that was running down her cheeks. 

"What happened?"

Ponsi asked, his tone as cold as ice. To my surprise, Carli hesitated for a moment. Does she suddenly not want to tell us?

"If I tell you, will you promise to never tell any of this to Isom?"

I looked at Ponsi because I knew my answer to her question. He looked at me and the moment we glanced at each other, it was definite; we need to know.

"Yes, we promise. Now tell us."

I said and let the blonde girl take over.

"I didn't plan any of this. I was acting purely out of despair and jealousy...I know it doesn't excuse what I've done but you need to believe me that id I could go back in time, I'd never done anything like this."

Her voice was shaky but after she exhaled couple of times, her tone was steadier. 

"I didn't send the invitation to Sean. You don't understand what it was like with Isom. All he could think about and all that he cared about was his precious band. I practically had to force him to propose to me or else he would never have the 'time' to do it. It went awfully. He was writing songs with Sean, playing on his piano. ..he was doing everything except for helping me with the wedding. I had enough. And then when he told me to send out the letters, I-"

She bursted into tears again but this time, the sound was way more bitter. My head was flat on the inside; completely dull and dry. I didn't even had the energy in me to say something; I was utterly disappointed. Not angry, just disappointed. Ponsi helped me and asked:

"Sean called Isom but he still didn't pick up...were you involved in that too?"

My disappointment even deepened, when she slowly nodded. 

"Isom looses his stuff because he constantly leaves them laying around. I was there when Sean was phoning him and I got afraid...Afraid that Sean might tell Isom that he wasn't invited and then it would be like before; Isom would be too busy, working with Sean to keep the damn band alive to acknowledge my presence. I deleted all of Sean's calls. However, few days before the party, Isom told me that he wants you two and Sean to be his best men. So I told him - oh, God - I told him that Sean doesn't have the time for the wedding and that he's not even sure that he's gonna make it -"

"Basically, you made him look like he's the biggest jerk ever."

Ponsi folded his arms and rolled his eyebrows down a bit. Carli looked up at him and stuttered:

"Yes. I don't know what I was thinking; Isom got so mad at Sean. And now...he's devastated."

Her look fell onto her lap, where she folded her hands as if she was praying. No one has said a single word because why should we? Everything was explained, everything made perfect sense...yet nothing made any sense to me.

I looked at the delicate figure sitting across from me and sighed. The delicate figure to which I lost all my respect to. 

"Do you still have the letter?"


She said, her voice trembling. She took out a crumbled white envelope out of the back pocket of her jeans and handed it to me.

"I couldn't throw it out."

"We're gonna get Sean right now."

I said sounding bitter while heading towards the door. Carli stood up and stopped me.

"Please don't tell him. Or Sean."

"I promised I wouldn't."

"I'm so sorry for everything. I just wanted a perfect wedding."

Her eyes were twitching and another sigh escaped my lips.

"And you go it. But at what cost?"


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