Mail time!

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I looked at myself again and released a deep sigh. I really got quite chubby throughout this half a year in L.A and it doesn't help that I'm short as well so the fat has limited space to be distributed. I have been a little bit self conscious about my weight gain, especially when I'm with Ponsi, who's as skinny as a witch's broom. Evan has been bugging me with annoying jokes for a while now but he did promise to take me to the gym with him next week.

I looked behind me and see a snoring Biz, taking a nice little nap at my bed. I have yet to tell Ponsi to take him but, if I'm being honest, I kind of...don't want to let Biz go? I like dogs. I guess. I mean I'm not obsessed with them like Ponsi is but I do think they're cute. However, Biz to me is straight up the most adorable creature I've ever seen. Look at him; those big black eyes of his and the small chubby body! I love him.

I took my guitar and my folder with the songs and head off to SHC but Evan stopped me on my way to the main door.

"Here, there was a letter and a package in the mailbox addressed to you."

He handed me the white envelope and a brown package, with a letter attached to it. Firstly, I opened the single letter and, as I predicted, it was the invitation to Isom's wedding.

I felt kind of bad, not only because I didn't check the mailbox earlier but also because I was the one to told Sean about this wedding

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I felt kind of bad, not only because I didn't check the mailbox earlier but also because I was the one to told Sean about this wedding. To be fair, he'd figure out either way but Isom should've been the one to inform him.

I put the invitation on the refrigerator, just so I don't forget about it and open the next letter. I didn't recognise the handwriting immediately but it seemed really familiar. However it didn't take me long to figure out who wrote this message.

 However it didn't take me long to figure out who wrote this message

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I couldn't stop smiling while I read the letter over and over again. Suddenly, I felt the familiar tingling sensation in my eyes and after rereading it for the third time, I started crying my eyes out. I was getting so emotional that I didn't even notice the tiny P.S written at the bottom of the paper.

S written at the bottom of the paper

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Now I was bawling like a turtle. I had to sit down on the couch so I wouldn't loose my balance. After some time, I pulled myself together and looked at the neatly wrapped package he send me.

Oh, dad, I don't even deserve you, I thought to myself while looking at the old cassette tape I was holding in my trembling hands. It was a record of the Beach Boys' I get Around and Fun, Fun, Fun my dad got me when I was younger. How could have I forget to bring it with me? This track was basically my first true connection with music and even to this day I look up to the Beach Boys as one of the most influential people in my life.

"Are you alright?"

I uncover my hands from my eyes and look up to see Evan's concerned face. I wiped the last few tears that have fallen on my cheeks and nodded.

"Yeah, no worries. Something just fell into my eye."

I said and as I was leaving, I put the cassette tape with Dad's letter into my pocket.


"Do you want to take a break or something? You keep messing up the second verse."

Sean shook his head impatiently and tied his chestnut hair into a ponytail.

"No, it's fine."

He replied quietly. What's up with him today? He doesn't act very Sean like; he's grumpy, impatient and nervous. I nodded over at Ponsi and he started the beat to Pay the Man.

Everything went well but then we hit bottom rock again: the second verse. Sean's bass was off the key yet again but this time, instead of apologising, he stopped playing and screamed at the top of his lungs.


I jumped two feet from the floor and Ponsi quit hitting his drums immediately. Sean never gets this nervous, why is he suddenly so out of control?

"Is something wrong? Look, this part is hard so just calm down and breathe."

I said carefully, still keeping an eye at him. His breath slowed down a bit and he closed his eyes for a minute. Then, after a while, he slowly sat down on the stage.

"I'm sorry, I just... It's been a shit of a week."

Shit, what am I suppose to do? Or say? I am shit at comforting people.

I turned to Ponsi, who gave me a confused look and shrugged his shoulders. Fine, I'll deal with him myself.

"And ...what...what happened?"

I could hear how Ponsi was trying to muffle his giggle. That bastard.

"Mark, be honest, please: Did Isom invite you to his wedding yet?"

He wasn't looking at me. In fact, he wasn't talking to me. His eyes met Ponsi's. I caught the drummers terrified expression and the way he looked back at Sean told me that he's completely and utterly devastated.

"Um I... I- yeah, I did. He sent out invitations."

He stuttered and I wished I could just give him a big pat on the shoulder for his bravery.


Sean whispered.

"What happened between you two? I understand it's a touchy subject for you but I just can't put the puzzle pieces together."

The words rolled out of my tongue before I could think about them. However, Sean didn't seem to be cut off by my question. Actually, he was probably expecting it.

"I wish I knew why he's acting this way. I'm getting worried, you know? I mean - fuck- what could've I possibly done so terrible that he won't exchange a word with me? Or answer any of my calls?"

What. The. Fuck.

I exchanged shocked looks with Ponsi and his droopy eyes lit up.

"You're kidding, right?"

"No...I called him, like, ten times yesterday but he didn't pick up. Why didn't he even call back or something?"

We stayed silent. I inconspicuously came a little closer to Ponsi and when I looked down at him, his forehead was wrinkly from his concerned expression. At the end, Sean slapped his skinny thighs and looked at us.

"Are we gonna play or what?"

(I got a little creative with this chapter :D. I am so happy to be writing again! I had a minor writer's block but I'm back on track and as hyped as ever! So many new pics of FTP launched from their concerts and they're insanely beautiful so I might put a lot of them here on MFPW :)). And how are you guys? Hope you'll all doing fine and you're going strong! Love you❤️❤️)

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