night clubs

325 36 24

memory reset #2
It wasn't that Leigh-Anne didn't like loud music and the warmth of what seemed like thousands of bodies all pressed into one room, she just really wasn't in the mood for it at the moment. As of late she'd felt tired by everything and this was no exception. It didn't help that anytime she went out like this she had to basically wear a disguise. But it was her best friend's birthday and as Perrie so kindly pointed out: "only an ass would miss her best friend's 22nd birthday."

So here Leigh-Anne was cradling her fourth unknown drink that Perrie had brought her and staring at the dance floor. She could see her blonde best friend dancing, and she was already drunk which made it worse.

Perrie stumbled over to her, "Lei Lei, you should come dance with me."

Leigh-Anne shook her head. She always had a secret fear that someone would videotape her dancing and post it on the internet. It wasn't like Leigh-Anne was famous but it didn't stop the silly fear from getting into her mind.

"Please Leigh-Anne, I seen some pretty cute people out there."

"Then go fuck them all and leave me alone."

"You're just moping because you had a break up. It's not my fault."

Leigh-Anne sighed, "I know, Perrie. I'm sorry."

Just leave me alone. Why can't everyone just leave me alone?

Perrie had decided to do so. She went back into the crowd of a million bodies and danced her cares away. When Leigh-Anne thought she had finally got some privacy, a tap on her shoulder surprised her.

A brunette with tan skin was in front of her. It was unclear whether she wanted to grab Leigh-Anne's attention or wanted another drink but either way, the woman's hand suddenly shot out and grabbed the half filled drink from Leigh-Anne's hand and drank it in one swig.

"Hey!" Leigh looked up now and was met with a smug face that made her do a double take. It felt familiar.

"H-hi." Leigh-Anne's tone changed.

"What's your name, cute thing?"

"Leigh-Anne." She felt as if she could tell this person immediately.

"I'm Jesy."

"I've heard that name before."

"It's quite a common name, sweets."

Leigh-Anne giggled.

"Why are you sitting over here looking all sad?"

"I'm baby sitting my best friend on her birthday."

"Oh, that sucks."

Leigh-Anne just shrugged.

"You sure you don't wanna dance?"

"I don't dance. Thanks though." Leigh-Anne felt herself blush. She looked and pulled an old mp3 player out of her pocket and looked at it.

"What's that?" Jesy moved herself to sit next to Leigh-Anne.

"Oh. My music player." Leigh laughed.

"What kind of music do you listen to?"

"Music better than what's playing in this god awful club."

"Let me hear it."

"You seriously want to sit here and listen to my music?"

"Cute girls with good taste in music are just my thing." Jesy winked.

Leigh-Anne handed over the mp3, squinting at the girl in front of her. She was so familiar.

Jesy took it into her fingers and pressed the 'on' button. She unwriggled the ear buds and put one in her own, letting Leigh-Anne take the other.

"Hm." Jesy looked through the player and clicked on a song.

"Diggin On You?"

Leigh-Anne nodded and giggled again. They let the song play.

"She was chillin with her kool-aid?"

Leigh-Anne laughed some more, amused by the fact that Jesy hadn't heard the song before.

"Let me pick another one."

Jesy paused for a bit.

"My Neck, My Back?"

Leigh-Anne's eyes widened, "Oh no! That's not appropriate."

Jesy started laughing slyly.
"I'm just messing with you. I know the song."

"You're a dick." Leigh-Anne sucked her teeth.

"What's your favorite song?" Jesy smiled at Leigh.

"I like RnB. Not a specific song, just that genre."

"Like Usher, Blackstreet, En Vogue?"

"Yeah! All of em!"

Jesy and Leigh-Anne both giggled at each other. They looked at each other.

"Hey, Jesy."


"Would you mind if I kissed you right now?"

"Why do you think you deserve to kiss me?" Jesy asked.

"Because.. I showed you my music!"

Jesy laughed, connecting their lips together. Leigh-Anne felt weak at the knees. They pulled apart.

"I know I'm just a girl in a club. But I hope you won't forget me." Leigh-Anne whispered.

"I definitely won't."


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