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memory reset #7


That's what she tastes like.


That's what she smells like.

Leigh-Anne remembered every speck on Jesy's body. She could tell you all about it if you asked her to.

"I love you baby," kept ringing in Leigh-Anne's ears. She looked up. A pretty girl with brown hair stood.

"I love you more, sunshine." Leigh-Anne rubbed Jesy's back. It was supposed to be this way.

Leigh-Anne rushfully picked up the girl in her arms, making Jesy giggle. She gave her a kiss on the nose.

Suddenly everything went silent. Leigh-Anne no longer had Jesy in her arms. But instead she was covered in snow. She looked around and bunches of people stood beside her.

Yellow by Coldplay played out softly and she found herself staring at one figure only, forgetting about anyone else. Jesy was dressed in a gown, lacing covering her beautiful face.

By the time Jesy had made it to the alter Leigh-Anne could see the obvious bump that her stomach was, head spinning around.

She was no longer at the alter but in a white room. There was crying. It sounded like a baby. She looked around and saw that Jesy was staring at her with wide eyes, searching her face. She then realized they just had a child. She looked at the baby, tears filling her eyes.

Next thing she knew, she's laying back in bed. Jesy is by her, baby on her chest.  Leigh-Anne feels content in this moment. She feel happy again. Like this is what she's been missing all this time. Then it was all gone.

Leigh-Anne sprang up from the bed. She looked around. No Jesy, no baby. Just her and her dark old room.

Leigh-Anne had several dreams like this over the past couple weeks. And she noticed even weirder things.

She tried talking to Perrie one week and she acted as if she didn't know her. Leigh-Anne cried like a baby and didn't bother to try again. That was until Perrie showed back up talking about a million things they'd done together, Leigh-Anne remembering them but also knowing she had been at home and didn't move once.

She noticed that Perrie must've slept around a lot because every week she had someone new. Something like that. If she was being honest she was tired of Perrie's shit and Jesy's too.

One week they knew who she is and then the next they don't.

But if one thing has become more clear in this chaos it's that these dreams aren't actually dreams.. they're memories.

"Jesy was mine?" Leigh-Anne gulps.

"Jesy was mine."


i have so much going on rn in my life and im sorry im not updating super spectacular chapters. but i am very passionate about this book and will stay dedicated as much as possible. 

- lesybian

barely unrequited • lesy Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora