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memory reset #12

Even more weird things started to happen to Leigh-Anne.

It was like each week her friend's had new lives. She didn't.

What really struck her was that her sister had changed three times and Perrie had kids one week and none the other.

Leigh-Anne started running tests and experiments. She wrote down people she had come across or that stuck in her memory.

So after each week had passed she observed and wrote down what that person's life was like that week.

Perrie had been married 2 times, had 1 girlfriend, 3 boyfriends. She had blonde hair, then brown, then turquoise. Her kids varied from two girls, one girl, and then triplets.

Jade had never been married in the weeks Leigh had done tests. She did have four girlfriends, and one boyfriend. She worked at a coffee shop, then a secondary school, then she was a lawyer.

This week was all about Jesy. It was her first run having to do with the girl of her dreams. Leigh-Anne didn't know if she was truly prepared. But it was part of what she needed to know.

Something was off in the world and she needed to know what it was.

So that Monday Leigh-Anne got up very early. Her walk -in closet had been of more use now and had become her best friend. She quickly picked out an outfit and set outside.

It was cold out.

Another thing she observed was that the weather changed everyday and seasons could every week. Leigh-Anne thanked her addiction to shopping so that she had clothes for each occasion.

Leigh-Anne was not sure where she was going because she could truly never know where anyone was that day or week. She'd start off by going to each place that she knew of. Jesy had to be somewhere, hopefully one of those places.

She tried the local shops first.

Jesy wasn't at the fish n chips stand.

She wasn't at the café or the clothing center.

Not even at the floral shop.

No, Jesy was at the jeweler's department. She was getting her ring cleaned. She also wasn't alone.

Leigh-Anne's heart sort of stopped. She had forgotten why she had even stepped foot inside the store. Immediately, being asked if she needed help or what she was looking for by the overly happy, jolly, girl that worked in the front office.

"No, just looking," Leigh-Anne struggled to get out of her mouth.

She didn't even look at the jeweler. Instead, she looked straight ahead at the most familiar face she'd seen in a long time.

She wanted to talk to her. She wanted to give her a hug. But she knew that for some reason Jesy would not remeber who she was or what they had been together. What they made together. What they started together.

So, Leigh-Anne stood back and brought out the small piece of paper that she kept with her. She wrote down what she had observed, despite small tears dripping down her face.

Jesy had now turned around and saw her crying. Though Jesy changed a lot each week, her golden heart stay the same.

"Are you okay?" She rushed to Leigh.

Leigh didn't know what she should say. The girl that was asking her if she was okay was the reason she wasn't okay.

"Yes, I just find it hard to be in here."

"Why is that?" Jesy handed Leigh-Anne a handkerchief.

"It reminds me that the person I love, well, they love someone else."

Jesy said nothing, but pat Leigh-Anne on her shoulder.

Leigh-Anne left the store that day, feeling lower than low. She had come in contact with Jesy but it wasn't the way she wanted it to be. The way she needed it to be.

And maybe Leigh-Anne was ready to give up anyway.


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