Ever again

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It seemed to be a usual Tuesday morning.
The sky was as grey as always in London, and I was walking down the road with some books in my arms that I would have to work with.
I was an author who had been writing several books about science, but also children literature for a few years even though I was just twenty two years old.
One of the books I carried was called 'the speckled dog' and had made lots of children laugh already, and I loved making people happy. My life had not been that exciting so far, but I was happy at least. The only thing was that it felt like something was lacking in my life, something that gave my life a purpose.

I had made several friends over the years, most of them were older than me, and I had stopped seeing others as a child under complicated circumstances.
A friend of mine that I called Em was traveling at the time and I was left alone to work as always. She had been on travels for several years now and loved photography just as much as I loved writing.

As for my family, I was an only child and had lost my dad to a crime organisation nine years ago, which had brought my mother and me a lot closer together. Some events were so horrible that we would never get over them but they also made us stronger.

On the way to my office, I recalled my plan for the next weeks- I had to write some articles now, which made me nervous because I had never done such a thing.
My boss however asked some journalist to visit and work together with me as he would know much more about it. Stress now mingled with relief as I thought about it- and I did not know if I should look forward to it or not. I had been working on my own for most of the time since I had left Gressenheller University and even though my colleagues and I were working in the same building, every one of us had their own office and would concentrate on their own matters.

I was completely lost in my thoughts when some man unexpectedly bumped into me.
"Oh, my apologies!" He immediately said and both of us bent down to pick up my books.
"Please don't worry!", I replied. "it's nothing important. Thank you, gentleman!" I added as I took the books out of his hand while standing up. Then I finally glanced at his face.

The next few seconds were the most silent ones I had ever experienced.

I looked at the face of a beautiful young man whose face mirrored my mutual shock perfectly.
He had a face I could have never forgotten- his eyes were big and of a beautiful black and his light brown hair was flowing in the wind, despite the fact that his navy blue hat was pushing part of it down. I could still remember the description I had for it many years ago- he looked like an angel.
It was the first and only person I had ever loved in my life.

Just as I had collected myself again, Big Ben's bell rang and the man put his hand in one of his suit pockets to reveal a golden pocket watch. "My apologies", he said, "I have to go" And before I could even think of what to say he had rushed away again.

Was it really him? There's no doubt that it was... after all that happened, I had been sure that he was dead, but in my heart, I had never forgotten about him, and I never would.


A/N: I know this got rather short but please consider this a prologue to the following story!! Please enjoy :)
(and point out language mistakes if there are any!)
This is also not a typical reader FF since I have a backstory for the protagonist but it'll add more drama later!

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