Warmth and Kindness

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It was a windy December morning in London. The school's bell had just rang when every single student quickly left their classrooms to gather together on the schoolyard and amuse themselves on the swings and slides. I was just nine years old and I had no idea that it was the day that would change my life forever.

I rushed outside along the masses and got annoyed by people behind me that were constantly pushing others away.
"Hey! Stop it!"
Those class mates were often disrespectful towards other people, and it would always be the boys. They would bully people they considered weaker and were aware couldn't defend themselves. They bullied them if they were smaller, and often because of their families, if they were poor, and that made me very sad.

Just as I looked right in front of me I discovered such a scene again. I saw a small boy I had never seen in my life standing with his back to me and in front of three of my classmates who were teasing him.
"You and your stupid hat" One of them said and all three mockingly laughed at him. The poor boy had sat down with his head in his arms in order to hide his face- I could have sworn I had heard him crying- and I knew I had to change something because rage started to grow inside me.

"Leave him alone" I said aggressively.

Of course I would have never expected that to work, but the whole school knew that my dad was a policeman and due to that everyone would be careful towards me- I despised the way they judged people by their families, but in that case, it was an advantage for me.

The bullies threw a disgusted look at me before they threw the poor boy's hat on the floor and left.
Phew, I thought... this could have gone terribly wrong.
I heard the boy stand up behind me, and I picked his hat up before turning around to face him.

And that was the moment that hit me. I had always just heard of it when adults spoke of it, but that's the way I had always imagined it, as adults would call it, love at first sight.
This moment would have looked oddly awkward to people around us because neither of us spoke for what seemed like ages.
Instead, we stared at each other with eyes wide open, and I could finally see the face of the boy I had defended- he was normally tanned in contrast to me, he had big, black eyes and light brown hair which made his appearance seem unreal to me.
He was what I imagined an angel to look like- his face was emanating a certain warmth and kindness that I had never seen before. The boy wore dark red trousers, strangely large, blue socks, a brown shirt and a beige jacket, and I could see that the olive brown hat I had picked up fitted perfectly to him.

After an eternity, I finally decided to speak to him.

"Your hat!" I said smilingly while giving it back.

"Thank you!" the boy said as his cheeks became of an adorable blushy red.

"What's your name? I have never seen you before!"

"Oh I'm Clive! I just moved here with my parents, they took on my uncle's bakery in montgomery street! What's your name?"

"That explains it! I'm ~!"

"Pleased to meet you! Thank you for... uh... defending me" he said while looking at the floor and I could see that he was blushing in shame.

"That's nothing to thank for! Nobody deserves to be treated that way, especially when it's a kind person like you!"

I was happy to see him blushing again. He had the cutest smile I had ever seen in my life!

"Besides, my dad is a policeman so the people here don't even dare to get in my way even though I'd never harm a fly!"

"But... does that mean you don't have friends either?"

I hesitated.
"Not really" I replied while looking at the floor.
"People talk to me and are kind to me but no one is really my friend because they say I'm different. That's why I distract myself with puzzles sometimes"

"Puzzles? I love puzzles!"

"Really?" I could suddenly feel my eyes lighten up.

"Yes! And you know what? I'm different too and that's nothing to worry about! If all the people here would be the stars of a starlit sky, you would be shining the brightest."

I blushed.
"Thank you, Clive."

"And don't worry, ~, I will gladly be your friend!"

"It's been ages since someone was this kind to me" I said which resulted in Clive blushing again."

"You know what? We could make puzzles for each other!"


A/N: I tried to make this as a cute as possible! I hope I didn't fail too badly xD

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