Midnight Puzzles

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A/N: The (N) part means your surname!


"It's just over there!"

Clive excitedly said as he dragged me towards the building he lived in.

"What's that?", I said as I pointed at a strange looking, white building next door.

"Oh, my parents told me it was some sort of lab!", Clive replied, "you know, where they make experiments in! Who knows, maybe one day one of us will be a scientist and will see it from the inside, that'd be awesome!"

Clive eagerly continued dragging me towards his home. It had been over a month since I had met him for the very first time and we had already done so much together.
What we loved doing the most was going through London's streets after school and solving puzzles together.
Now, I would finally meet his parents and see the place where he lived- and we would have a sleepover.

"Here it is!", Clive exclaimed as he pointed at the third storey of a house.


"Mom, my friend is here!", Clive said as we entered his home.

I saw a young woman who was standing in the kitchen turn around- it looked as if she was making dough for the family's bakery. Clive's mother had wavy, light brown hair and big blue eyes and greeted me with a warm smile.

"Good afternoon, Mrs!"

"Welcome, dear! Clive has told me all about you! Tell me, are you Inspector (N)'s daughter?"

"Yes I am! Do you know him?"

"Of course I do! He's a former class mate of mine and has helped our family several times!"

"What a coincidence!"

"Indeed! Clive, why don't you show ~ your room? I'm going to make you both some cookies!", she said.

"Thank you, mom!"


Clive's room was just as small as the rest of their apartment, but that was nothing negative to me. It made everything more cozy- they were so much closer together, and I noticed how much Clive loved his parents. They had the kind of parent-child bond every child wished to have.

The room we had just entered had several pieces of papers on its walls- and when I closely looked at them, I noticed that it was puzzles that were written on them.
No surprise at all!

Just like the other rooms, Clive's room was extremely cozy. His bed was huge, nearly filled his whole room and held several fluffy blankets and next to it stood some plushed shoes that were way too big for him. Maybe they'd fit him one day.

"What do you think?", Clive asked.

"I... I love it!"

"We even have a television in our living room! But it was a gift from my uncle, you see, we couldn't have afforded it."

"Oh!" He paused.
"Do you mind?"

"Mind what?"

"That my family doesn't have much money?"

I made a slightly offended noise.
"Clive, of course not! Neither money nor wealth define who you are, your soul does."

He smiled.

"Thank you, ~."


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