Chapter One

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Stan's POV: (15 Years Old)

I sat back into my chair, sighing as I watched the dots spiral on my phone screen slow to a stop as it died. I'd already given up rummaging through my drawers in hopes of finding a charger long ago. I had only one hope, Kyle. I stood up, stretching seeing as I'd been sitting there for an hour or two. I slid my window open as the cold air nipped at my bare face. Kyle's light was still on, meaning that he hadn't been asleep yet, and to my luck, his window was open as well.

"Kyle," I whisper-shouted. "Kyle, hello?"

The breeze moved his curtains slightly, but Kyle didn't reply. I called out his name again but to no avail, maybe he was downstairs or something. I stepped out onto the ledge and set one foot on Kyle's window sill while I held my roof for support. My heart skipped a beat as I pushed myself from my window to Kyle's, rolling into his room. I stood up and held Kyle's bedpost for support, looking around the room to try and find the familiar redhead. I couldn't spot him but soon realized that his closet door was open and his light had been on.

"I wonder where Kyle is," I smiled, sneaking over behind the closet door. "Is he in h-"

I whipped around the door only to be forced to choke my voice back at the sight. Kyle was slouched against the wall, his head lolling to the side as he let out soft snores. I felt my eyes soften as the scene in front of me unrolled. Man, how I wish I had my phone right now, this would make a perfect picture. I studied Kyle more, noticing a box set in his lap. I picked it up carefully studying the contents. 'Holy shit, dude.' I thought. This was the box that Kyle and I had buried in his backyard when we were only five years old. I felt the corners of my eyes start to sting, smiling fondly at the memory.

~Cheesy Flashback~

"Stan, my mom's gonna be really upset if she finds out we dug this big hole back here." Kyle pouted.

"Oh come on Kyle, we're not being naughty, it's for our mem'ries," I replied.

"Like, for us to 'member?" Kyle tilted his head.

"I think." I shrugged.

"What would we have to remember?" Kyle asked, putting his last Chinpokomon card into the box.

"Our frenship, Ky," I explained, throwing another stack of cards into the box.

"But, Stan, why would I ever forget you were my friend?" Kyle asked.

"Because you're not my friend, Ky." I smiled. "You're my Super Best Friend."

"You're my Super Best Friend too, Stan." Kyle grinned.

~End Flashback~

I didn't realize how long I'd been standing in the closet until I saw Kyle slightly stir in his sleep. I closed the box and set it onto the top shelf, walking over to Kyle. I picked him up carefully, walking out of the closet. I was about to set him down on his bed when I felt his hand clutch onto my shirt.

"Stan," He mumbled. "The box."

"The box is okay Kyle, it's in your closet."

I didn't get a reply from him as he had already fallen asleep. I finally got to set him down onto his bed and covered him up with his fleece blanket. I switched off the light as I was about to climb back out of the window.

"Oh, and Stan," Kyle murmured. "The spare charger's in the second cubby in my closet."

I smiled and walked back into the closet, retrieving the charger. I rolled it up and shoved it into my pocket when I noticed that Kyle hadn't been laying down anymore, he was sitting up now.

"What are you doing, Kyle?" I asked.

"I don't want you to leave." He looked down.

"Aw, Kyle." I walked over to him and engulfed him in a hug. "We'll see each other at school tomorrow don't worry."

"Just a little bit," He looked up. "Please?"

"Fine," I sighed. "Only for a little bit though, your mom would kill us if she found out I stayed without permission."

I crawled underneath the covers with him, wrapping my arms around him. Something I didn't know at the time, was that our love was completely platonic, and we didn't understand how we felt. All we knew was that we loved each other as more than "Super Best Friends" But the both of us were just too afraid to say it.

"What are you doing?" I laughed.

Kyle had somehow gotten his hand onto my cheek and was now caressing it softly.

"You seemed tense, I was trying to calm you down, silly." He then set his head onto my chest.

"Your heartbeat is soothing." He smiled.

I couldn't help but fall madly in love with him. I knew it probably wasn't the best way to feel at the moment but I simply had no other choice but to feel the way I did. I was completely smitten over this boy and nothing was going to change that.

"I love you, Kyle," I whispered

I reached my hand up into his tangled curls and lightly scratched at his scalp. I could notice him falling into even more of a deep sleep as I continued. I slowly slipped from his grasp, getting up from the bed and covering once again.

I threw my coat back on and jumped back into my room. Luckily, my parents hadn't gone into my room to say goodnight yet. I plugged my phone in, waiting for it to turn on.

"Stan," I jumped up, startled by my dad's voice.

"Oh, hey dad," I smiled. "What's up?"

"I just came to talk to you," he said, looking down.

"Umm, okay, I've got time." I laughed.

"Listen, I know I've been a really shitty dad towards you and Shelly, I want to make up for it but I don't know- I don't know how to fix my mistakes." He stifled a sob.

"Dad," I laid my head on his shoulder. "You're not doing anything wrong, we've had a great childhood, and just because mom's not here doesn't mean you've got to carry everything bad that's ever happened on your shoulders. Shelly's off to college next month, why don't you go spend some time with her?"

He looked up at me and let out a heart-wrenching sob.

"What did I do to deserve you kids?" He said as he hugged me.

It took everything I had not to break down and cry right then and there.




︵‿︵(' ͡༎ຶ ͜ʖ ͡༎ຶ ')︵‿︵

**Descending to heaven**

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