Chapter Six

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I sat atop the counter, clipping my hair back with a few bobby pins as Stan got the ingredients together.

"Your hair's so long now," Stan remarked, setting the ingredients besides me.

"Yeah, I don't wanna cut it yet though, I kinda like it this way." I smiled, playing with one of my loose curls.

"It's pretty that way, I like it too," Stan replied.

"Okay so what we're gonna do first is crack the e-"

Stan was interrupted by a sharp knock at the door. He set down the egg he'd previously had in his hand, walking over to the front door.

"Umm, who is it?" He asked cautiously.

"It is Chvistophe, get your sheet togezah, ve are going shopping."

I gasped, jumping from the counter excitedly. I ran upstairs, quickly throwing on a pair of black skinny jeans and Stan's old 'South Park Cows' baseball vest. I ran downstairs and slipped on my beige Chuck Taylor high tops. (Oh I went there)

"Okay- Okay, I'm ready." I smiled, panting a little more than usual.

"Kyle, don't forget your insulin, and since you didn't get to eat the pancakes, grab a few fruit bars and some pieces of cand-"

"Okay, Stan, I know, thank you for looking out for me but I'm prepared, alright?" I asked, lifting up my baggie full of sweets and insulin.

"Alright." Stan smiled weakly.

"Okay, now zat ve are over ze lovey doves cvap, vich tunnel should ve go srough?" Christophe asked as we started down the road.

"Why do we need to take a tunnel anyway?" I asked.

"Because, God is being ze biggest beetch again, and I vill not allow myself to stvuggle in ze restraints of his beetch lair any longer."

"Umm, okay, we can take this one maybe?"

"No, no, zis vay is ze better vay!"

"But we can cut straight into the GameStop by taking this tunnel," I replied, walking towards said tunnel.

"non, nous devons traverser le tunnel! c'est plus facile!"

I whipped around to stare Christophe straight in the eyes, pointing a finger towards his chest, slightly pushing him back.

"Christophe DeLourne, on s'en va ou pas, souviens toi, mon copain et moi t'avons sauvé le cul!"

"Okay, okay, I am sorry," Christophe mumbled before he smiled cunningly. "Madame."

I wound up my arm.

"Why yo-"

"Kyle, Calmez-vous, bébé." Stan whispered, pulling me back and continuing to walk towards my tunnel.

"Gvoss," Christophe murmured, following behind us.

We slid down deeper into the old tunnel in which we used to play as kids, walking towards the left wing of the tunnel.

"Remember to be as quiet as possible," I remarked, looking around to see if I could spot any ledges.

"si nous parlons comme ça, ils ne nous reconnaîtront pas," Christophe mentioned.

"Oui tu as raison," I agreed.

"Est-ce que ça veut dire que je vais avoir des moments sexy plus tard, Kyle?" Stan smirked.

I smacked his arm lightly as he laughed, having no effect on him whatsoever.

"That's not happening anytime soon."

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