Chapter Seven

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Third Person POV:

Stan and Kyle were outside sitting on the median of plants outside the front doors of the mall, eating their frozen yogurt in the cool breeze. The spoons changed color based on temperature, so every time someone put the spoon in their mouth it would turn yellow, and then back to green once the yogurt cooled it down. Kyle couldn't stop staring at it. It would be yellow, then green, yellow, then green again. It was mesmerizing. Stan thought it was weird the way Kyle would eat. He'd kind of-lick the spoon instead of just putting it in his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

Kyle turned and looked at him with a dead serious expression.

"Molesting. My. Spoon." He continued eating.

They both burst into fits of laughter after comprehending what Kyle had just said.

"Oh, okay."

"Santiago." Kyle stated out of nowhere, laughing again.

"The hell?" Stan asked, obviously confused by Kyle's statement.

"Nothing. Looks like you've got a lot to learn."

Now he was just making Stan feel stupid. Like there was some big secret he didn't know about. And he did. He needed to learn of the ways of Pamtri. His thoughts were interrupted by music.

Bad music. Really bad music.

He looked over and saw Kyle playing a video on his phone. It looked a lot like a fake Squidward playing All Star on the clarinet.

"The hell is that thin- OH MY GOD HOW DID HE SWALLOW HIM LIKE THAT?!" Stan screamed.

People stopped and looked at them weirdly, some pushing their children aside. They glared back at them, hissing slightly.

"It's not what it looks- Ah, nevermind." He waved his hands, dismissing the thought.

"So, where did you want to go once we were finished here?" Kyle asked.

"Maybe Hot Topic? I'm sure Christophe is gone by now."

"Yeah. I wanted to get something from there, anyway."

"Please, tell."

"That's classified, Stan the man."

"Alright, whatever."


They walked into the cold, dark store and instantly separated. They were both distracted by something and went to go look at it, wishing they could have it. To be honest, both boys were broke. Maybe there was some money circulating around, but it was only a few dollars. Not much to get you anywhere. It didn't take long for Kyle to find Stan again, running up to him with a silk laced package.

"Hey Stan, look at these ankle bracelets!" (Oh, I'm going there, AGAIN.)

"Dude, you're so gay," Stan laughed.

"Not as gay as you are, apparently," Kyle retorted.

"Touché Broflovski, touché." Stan nodded, patting Kyle's head.

Stan took the ankle bracelets to the front register, impatiently tapping his fingers on the counter. A certain blonde ran up to the register, fumbling with his hair as he scanned the item.

"That'll be- Stan, Kyle?" Stan and Kyle's eyes lit up.

"You got a job, Kenny?" Kyle grinned.

"Yeah, it pays $10 and hour so it's good!" He shrugged.

"Good on you man, you deserve it. How's Karen?" Stan asked.

"She's doing good, actually she just got into middle school."

"Oh wow, so has Ike, I wonder if they have any of the same classes." Kyle replied.

"Your brother's a smart little dude so I'm sure he has some advanced classes with her like Tricia does, anyway, my shift ends at 8:00 so if you guys wanna hang out," Kenny trailed off.

"Definitely, tomorrow?" Stan asked.

"Yeah, that's a good day for me, I get out earlier tomorrow, so we can meet up at Tweek Bros or something."

"Sounds like a plan." Kyle slipped his arm around Stan's.

"Are you two-"

"Yeah," Kyle looked down at his feet, smiling bashfully.

"Oh my god, I've missed so much, I'm sorry that we don't hang out that much anymore, I see you at school but I never really have the chance to talk to yo-"

"KENNETH, GET BACK TO WORK!" A scratchy voice yelled from the back of the store.

"Well it was nice seeing you guys again, I gotta go, you guys don't have to pay." Kenny turned around to walk away but Kyle grabbed him by the arm.

"Here Kenny," Kyle tucked the last $20 he had into Kenny's sleeve. "Take it."

Kenny looked down, his eyes filling with tears. Though he said he didn't need the money, his friends knew he did. He had to support himself, his parents, and his siblings, so the one thing the kid at least deserved were friends.

"Thanks, guys," He sighed, wiping his eyes and hugging both of his friends.

"Anytime, bud." Stan rubbed Kenny's back as he broke the hug.

Kyle frowned, grabbing Stan's hand. He lead them out of the mall, stopping in the middle of the parking lot and taking a deep breath.

"What's wrong?" Stan asked.

"Nothing," Kyle turned to face Stan and gave him a smile, though his eyes told a different story.

"You know I won't believe that for a second, right?"

"Yeah, It's just that-" He paused, looking up in thought. "I don't know how I'm gonna tell my mom, y'know, about us..." He trailed off.

"Aw, Kyle I'm sure she'll accept you." Stan rubbed Kyle's arm.

"Still, I can't just go and say 'Haha, hey mom, I spent fifteen years being normal, but hey now I'm gay!'"

"Being gay doesn't make you any less 'Normal' than you were before, you're still Kyle Broflovski no matter what gender you prefer," Stan smiled, "And hey, if you feel uncomfortable with telling her, I'll be there with you, hell, I'll tell her myself."

"No, no. It's okay, I just have to find the right time. Maybe after dinner, she usually sits in her room and reads 'cause dad takes the night shift."

"Alright, if anything happens feel free to just come over to my place, my dad won't mind."



"I love you."

"I love me too."


"Oh shush, you know I love you too."


Very short chapter, I'm sorry.

Prosper; Style Fanfic ~South Park~Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora