Chapter Eight

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Kyle's POV

I poked at the peas on my plate with my fork, it wasn't that I didn't want to eat them, I did, but the thought of how my mom would react constantly clouded my mind.

"Bubby, you haven't eaten your kitniyot, that's usually your favorite part, is something wrong?"

"No ma, I'm just thinking."

"Oh alright, take your time," she smiled, picking up her plate and ruffling my hair before walking into the kitchen.

"If you don't want them I'll eat them for you," Ike offered.

" I mean, if you want them that ba-" I was cut off by Ike scooping the peas up into his spoon and plopping them onto his plate.

"Thank you!" he beamed.

I stood up and grabbed my plate. After pushing my chair in, I sluggishly made my way into the kitchen, scraping off the remaining food on my plate and washing it.

"Is something bothering you, Kyle?" Ike questioned as he washed his plate.

"No, not at all."

"Okay, you know you can talk to me though, right?"

"Ike, you're ten and as much as I know that you're very bright, you wouldn't understand, I'll tell you later though." I gave him a crooked smile and trudged up the stairs.

I arrived at my mom's door, my heart beating so hard, I felt my whole body pulse along with it. I took a deep breath and knocked lightly on her door.


"Come in," she called out.

I twisted the doorknob, peering into what once was my only source of comfort. My parents room had always been my hideout since I was little, after a nightmare or during a storm I'd crawl underneath the warm blankets with my parents. It was hard to believe that that warm feeling now contorted into that of fear and fearful demeanor.

"You're letting your brain get ahead of your tongue, take a deep breath and start over, Bubby," she said quietly, stroking my arm.

"Momma, I've got something to tell you," I mumbled, looking down.

"Well go ahead, I'm sure it won't be that bad."

"Well, I'm-" I was cut off by a loud crash.



I stood there, staring at the scene in front of me. I felt my eye twitch slightly and put my hands over my head, sighing.

"Why does this happen every. single. time?"

I peeked through my jacket, seeing mom drag Ike out by the ear.

"So, what were you gonna tell me Bubby?"

"I mean, Ike already exposed me." I mumbled.

"So, y-you're gay?"

I felt the corners of my eyes start to burn, bracing myself for the upcoming shitstorm.

"Yes," I sighed. "I am."

My mom grabbed my arm, making me flinch backwards. Though, she did the exact opposite of what I expected. She pulled me into a hug, staying there, trying to lull me.

"It's okay. After all, you're still my Bubby, right?"

I nodded, not being able to speak, the tears I'd been welling up had now been expelled.

"Can you go talk to your little brother?" She asked, petting my hair. "I think you need to explain this whole homosexuality thing to him so that he doesn't get confused."

I snorted, picking my head back up knowing damn well that Ike never has, and never will be "confused" about homosexuality. He's way too smart for that.

"Sure momma, love you"

"Love you too, Bubby."

I walked over to Ike's room. Instead of knocking like I normally do, I scratched at the door hissing, "Let me in~" I heard Ike laugh as he scrambled towards the door.

"Whad'ya want, weirdo?" He asked, still smiling.

"Mom wanted me to talk to you about being confused about homosexuality," I put on a faux serious face. "See Ike, when a man loves another man in the same way a man loves a wo-" I couldn't finish my sentence due to my own laughter masking my straight face. (No pun intended.) Ike joined in on the laughter, finding it just as funny as I did.

"Oh gosh, tell me- tell me more Kyle, what do they do?" Ike managed to muster up a question between fits of giggles.

"You wouldn't believe this, but..." I leaned closer to the door, cupping both of my hands around my mouth. "THEY TOUCH WEINERS!"

"WHAT, WHAT, WHAT?!" We heard from down the hallway. By now, we were legitimately rolling on the floor laughing.

"You should probably call Stan, he's worried about you." Ike brought up.

"Yeah, you're right- wait, how'd you-"

"Where do you think I came from when I busted into mom's window?"

"Okay, that's valid." I shrugged.

A/N: Once again a very short chapter, I'm sorry, there's just a lot of things going on right now, but I love every single one of you readers. Goodbye for now my lovelies!

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