Chapter Three

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Stan's POV:

"One, two, three!" Kyle chanted, uncovering my eyes. I opened them slowly, kind of scared of the outcome. My eyes adjusted to the natural lighting as I squinted slightly. My eyes watered as the sound of a familiar bark.

"SPARKY, BOY!" I exclaimed as he ran towards me. "Hey boy, yeah I know I missed you too, buddy." I laughed as he licked the tears from my cheeks.

"Thank you, Kyle you don't kn-" I turned around to where he had been standing before, only to be replaced with my mother's face.

"Hey, baby," She smiled, her eyes watering.

I said nothing, I couldn't move at all. I wasn't panicking, I was in a state of extreme shock. Without thinking, I shot up and hugged her, letting out an ugly and muffled sob. I wasn't sure if I was just sobbing or screaming, maybe a mixture of both. I didn't care who witnessed, right now all that mattered was that my mom was here after five years of absence. She kissed my forehead lightly in an attempt to calm me down. Once calm, I separated from her, my lip quivering.

"I missed you so much," I whispered.

"I missed you too, Stan. I couldn't talk to you and I'm so, so sorry."

"I'm not mad, I'm not mad," I whispered. "I just- I just didn't know." I hugged her again, not wanting to let go so soon.

I pulled away and just stared at her eyes. Just to make sure she was really there. That this wasn't all some prank, or just a dream. Kyle was watching from behind with a huge smile. He'd never really known much about my mother, but now that he was looking at her he realized that she was possibly the best woman on Earth.

I wasn't looking at Kyle, but I wanted to thank him to the ends of the Earth. I just didn't look how to. There were no words to say to Kyle, and if I was going to be completely honest with myself, I would probably never find the words to say.

I was going to tell Kyle that I would be with him until their road had turned from color, to black and white. I was going to tell Kyle that he was his best friend- the love of mylife that he was the best thing in the whole world to him.

I walked towards Kyle and stood in front of him trying to process everything that was happening. His lower lip was stuck out from his upper and his eyes were big and glossy from almost crying. My eyes stung and I could barely breathe from everything that was happening.

My first instinct was to dive onto Kyle almost knocking him onto the ground. My eyes were overflowing with tears and I was holding onto him for dear life, never wanting to let go.

"Thank you so much, Kyle." I cried, my voice muffled from burying it into his shoulder.

"You deserve it, Stan." Kyle breathed, rubbing my back for support. "Also, I know I said two surprises but I forgot about one." Kyle turned around and walked back towards his house, emerging from the front door less than five minutes later.

"I remembered how much you used to talk about how much you wanted your own jersey freshman year, but couldn't afford one so," Kyle lifted my arms, sliding the jersey over my head. "I got a part-time job in order to pay for one, for you."

I froze, the feeling of ecstasy washing over me, overwhelming me in every way possible. I let the tears stream down my cheeks as I stared blankly into Kyle's green eyes. I couldn't even begin a list to describe everything I saw in his eyes or I'm afraid I'd never finish it. His eyes were green. The kind of green that pushed its way through the piles of gritty snow to remind you that spring was coming. The kind of green that budded on the prisoners of winter, bringing life back to their branches. That churning, passionate green that the ocean turns during a storm. That color of the forest after it rains. The color of the tadpoles making ripples in the pond. That green color that brings hope and life no matter what has happened. And looking into those eyes, I could see it. And he knew that I could.

"I made sure to have them put the number eight, just how you wanted." Kyle smiled.

I didn't say a word after that, I stepped closer to him and put his head on my shoulder, running my hand through his thick, red curls.

"I hope you know that you're the best thing that's ever happened to me." I mumbled.

"I couldn't put it any other way, buddy, I'll be at your game tomorrow cheering you on like always, eh?" He laughed a little at the end of his sentence.

"Yeah. Yeah, sounds great."

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