2.) Goodbye Dak

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Dreya's P.O.V

Waking up today was not fun, not fun at all.

I rolled out of bed and put on regular clothes to go downstairs for breakfast with the rest of the house residents and Miss Hanna.

As I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw a pile of suitcases. Dak's suitcases.

I felt my heart break a little more as I stared at them.

Dak had been my shoulder to cry on for a few weeks now. Everytime I got that craving, a craving for heroin so would curl up in a ball and Dak would just rub my back and hold me to keep me from running out of the house to find some, like I have plenty of times before.

Without Dak here, who is gonna keep me from running off?

Miss Hanna and Wyatt seem to care, but it's not the same with them. Miss Hanna just doesn't understand the feeling you get, when your body needs more.

I don't even know Wyatt is here. I'm sure he understand the craving for something you can't have, but he's only been here for a day. I don't even know the guy. Not the way I know Dak.

"Hey bitch." I heard Dak say from behind me.

"Hi." I said quietly, walking away from him without even turning to look.

"Dreya, it's not forever you know. We'll see each other again when you get out of here." Dak said, placing down another suitcase.

"I wish that were the case Dak. I really do, but at this rate, I'm never getting out of here. And if I ever do, and I'm finally ever free of this place, the first thing I'm gonna do is fuck up and end up right back here where I started." I said as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"Don't talk like that Dreya. Your gonna get the fuck out of here one day. And the day you do, I'm gonna be standing right outside this door to congratulate you." Dak said as he pulled me into a hug.

"You can do it kid." Dak said.

"Thanks Dak." I said quietly.

"Did Wyatt talk to you last night?" Dak asked me.

"Yeah. I told him I would think about it cause I'm gonna feel like total ass today once you leave." I said honestly.

"Well don't sit around by yourself Drey. Sit down and talk to Wyatt about it. I'm sure it's gotta be just as hard to him to be here as it had been for all of us our first day." Dak said.

"I know, but he's just not you Dak." I said, looking down at the floor.

"For all you know hes better than me. You won't know until you actually talk to him. Promise me you'll at least try." Dak said, and I just nodded, not wanting to say the words I promise.

"Good girl. Now let's go see what Miss Hanna made for breakfast."

We walked out into the dinning area to see that there was quite a few options today because it's a goodbye day.

Everytime someone leaves Miss Hanna makes all kinds of food. Pancakes, eggs, waffles, quiche, bacon, all kinds of random shit that I'm probably not gonna eat anyway.

Days like this, I can't eat. I probably won't eat much the next few days until I get used to Dak not being around.

"Morning sweetheart. I know you don't wanna eat, but can you please at least eat a few bites for me?" Miss Hanna asked me.

"I'll try. No promises it'll stay down very long." I said and she nodded with a slight frown on her face.

"I know it's hard sweetie. I'm sure it's hard for Dak too, but I'm sure it would make him happy to see you eat just a little bit so he knows you'll be okay." Miss Hanna said.

If only she knew, I'm not gonna be okay.

After we all sat down and ate. I only had a piece of toast and two bites of bacon, but I feel really nauseous, but it made Dak smile so I forced it down.

"Alright everyone, it's eleven o'clock. You know what that means." Miss Hanna said.

"Everyone say goodbye to Dak. Hopefully next time we see him it's just for a visit. Fingers crossed you stay on the right track sweet pea." Miss Hanna said giving Dak a hug.

Dak went around the room and hugged everyone else before he stopped in front of me.

"I'm gonna miss you the most Drey." He said before leaning down to me and wrapping his arms around me.

He picked me up and squeezed me super tight as I cried into his shoulder.

"It's not forever Dreya. I promise." He said before placing me back on my feet.

He waved at everyone one last time before walking out of the room with his things and out the front door.

Once I heard that door close, I felt my body get weak. I felt my lungs get heavier, causing it to be harder to breathe. I felt my heart shatter.

I could hear everyone around me talking, but I couldn't make out any of the words they were using.

I just walked out of the room and straight up the stairs. I ran to my bedroom and closed the door behind me, sliding my back down it until I was just a ball on the floor. My knees were pulled to my chest, my arms across them, and my head laid down, crying into my arms.

Don't get my wrong, I'm glad Dak is better. I'm glad he's doing good. I just wish I could have left with him.

He's literally the only person I could ever talk to without getting judged.

And now hes gone.

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