9.) Help Me

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Dreya's P.O.V

I can't believe I did that.

Here I am, two days later and hating myself because that just set me back to square one.


Now it's gonna be at least another twelve weeks until I get out of here.

And of course Wyatt called Dak, and now Dak is on his way here even though I didn't want him to see me like this again.

"You needed him Dreya. He's coming here to help you. Because I apparently failed. You shouldn't have needed to do that if I did my job right." Wyatt said.

"Its not your fault. It's mine." I said as I wiped the vomit from my mouth once again.

My withdrawal is ten times worse this time because I went so long without it again.

I've been puking for two days. I'm shaking so fucking bad, even though I'm sweating. I can't eat and the only thing I can manage to keep down for even a short period of time is ginger ale.

I'm dehydrated and weak. I'm starving. And every time I throw up it's just a little bit of soda, but mainly stomach acid.

My throat burns. My eyes burn. My nose burns. I just want all of this shit to be over.

"Dreya? Has anyone seen Dreya?" I heard Dak's voice as soon as he closed the door.

"Dak! Up here!" Wyatt shouted, just as the contents of my stomach started spilling out again.

Wyatt pulled my hair tighter so that it wouldn't fall in my face. He rubbed circles on my back, patting between my shoulders every once in a while.

"She with you Wyatt?" I heard Dak as he approached the bathroom door.

"Yeah, and I think I'm gonna need help. It's not pretty." Wyatt said.

The door swung open, and there he was. Dak actually came back when I needed him to.

"What happened exactly?" Dak asked me, but I'm not exactly capable of answering at the moment.

"Wyatt said I needed to get here and that it was an emergency. You needed me. What happened?" I couldn't answer him. I just moved my arm so Wyatt could pull up my sleeve.

Dak saw the needle marks. He could see that two of them were fresh. Only three days old.

"She relapsed." Wyatt said quietly

"Where were you when this happened? Did you try and stop her?" Dak became very angry instantly.

"Wyatt tried Dak. He tried so hard." I managed to say.

I wiped my mouth again and pulled away from the toilet bowl. Flushing it's contents down the drain.

I closed the lid and slid up to sit on it.

"I snuck out of my room to see him after I had a nightmare. About you. And Miss Hanna came in while we were sleeping. And the next night to make sure it didn't happen again she camped outside my room. And I guess she went to check on me at some point. And when I wasn't there I guess she went to see if I got passed her some how and got to Wyatt's room." I explained quietly.

"But you snuck out your window again." Dak assumed.

I nodded.

"Dreya. Why? Why didn't you just call me?" Dak asked sounding so broken.

"I didn't want you to know."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 19, 2018 ⏰

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