3.) I Wanna Be Alone

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Dreya's P.O.V

I can't stop myself from crying.

Everytime I finally think I'm done, images of Dak and I together flash through my mind. My memories are literally going to kill me. Simple as that.

"Dreya? Are you alright?" I heard Wyatt say through my bedroom door.

"Go away Wyatt. Please." I struggled to say through my tears.

"Miss Hanna sent me up to get you for dinner. Do you want me to tell her you won't be down?" Wyatt asked.

"Yes please. I just wanna be alone." I said, and I felt my voice crack as I said please.

"No problem Dreya. You know where to find me if you wanna talk." Wyatt said.

I heard his footsteps as he shuffled away from my bedroom door, and made his way downstairs.

I can just imagine Miss Hanna's face when he tells her that I'm not coming to eat, because I'm too busy crying and just wanna be left alone for a little while.

And by a little while, I actually mean like a week. Maybe even more.

I decided that I need to go get in a hot shower and try and clear my head, and clean myself up. I probably look like a down right maniac who escaped from the psych ward or something. My hairs a mess. There is tear streaks down my face. I've been sitting in this same position all day long.

I haven't moved once.

I push myself off the floor and go over to my closet and pull out a set of pajamas, and a sweatshirt that Dak let me keep. It's way to big for me, but hopefully it'll comfort me a little to wear it to bed.

I made my way over to the bathroom, locking the door behind me. I set my stuff down on the counter by the sink, before turning the shower on. I made it hotter than usual. I don't know why, but hot showers have always helped me.

They help me relax. They help me think clearly. They help me feel better when I'm sick. They're just over all amazing.

As I sit under the water, I watch my skin go from white to pink. From pink to red. Somehow I haven't started blistering from how much it burns.

The water running down my body is tinted slightly blue from my hair, which Dak dyed for me just three weeks ago because I needed a touch up.

I look down and see the tattoo that's on my wrist, and remember that Dak had a matching one so that we would always remember each other.

I can feel myself crying again. Good thing that the shower will hide my tears so I don't look even worse when I get out and look in the mirror.

I don't think I could look at my face. All I'd see is heartbreak. All I'd see is how broken I am without Dak here.

My rock. The only person I could go to.

That boy has literally done everything for me. Everything.

As I sat in silence, the only noise around me is the sound of the water hitting the shower floor, I heard the door knob jiggle. Then I heard a small knock.

"Dreya? Are you alright in there? It's been over an hour since you got in." I heard Wyatt's voice.

I couldn't be bothered to answer. I was too far away in my thoughts to answer.

"Dreya?" I heard again.

Once again, I couldn't feel bothered to answer.

"Shit." I heard him mumble, his panicked footsteps running down the hallway.

After a short amount of time I heard the door knob jiggle again.

"Dreya? Is everything okay in there?" I heard Wyatt ask again.

He must have gotten the key from Miss Hanna.

"Dreya? Please answer me or I'm pulling this curtain open. I'm worried about you." He said, and I could tell by his voice he was telling the truth.

"I'm fine Wyatt." I said quietly.

"Oh thank god. You weren't answering me. I was scared that you were-" Wyatt started to say, but I cut him off.

"Dead?" I asked, filling in the end of his sentence.

"I'm not dead. I just feel like it." I said after a moment of silence.

I watched Wyatt's arm reach in a turn the water off, and I saw him hold a towel in to me.

I stood up off the shower floor and took the towel in my hand.

I wrapped it around my body and pushed the curtain to the side.

When I looked up I saw Wyatt had his back facing me.

"I'm covered, you don't have to face that way." I whispered.

"Its just out of respect. I didn't wanna look at you while you're not dressed. It's rude." He said.

"It's fine Wyatt." I said quietly as I tried to step over the side of the bathtub, but I couldn't.

My legs are numb from me sitting that way for so long.

"Damn." I whispered.

"You okay?" Wyatt asked, looking over his shoulder slightly.

"I uh- yeah. I just- I can't feel my legs." I said quietly.

Wyatt finally turned all the way around to look at me. He had a frown on his face, and I met his blue eyes.

"Do you want help? I can carry you to your room. I'll just set you on your bed, and leave so you can get dressed." He said, kind of awkwardly.

"Would you?" I asked and he nodded.

He picked me up bridal style and carried me into my room, and he set me down on the bed. He walked back to the bathroom and grabbed my clothes off the sink and brought them back into me.

"Come to my room once you're dressed. We can talk. Only if you want to though. If you don't, I understand." Wyatt said.


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