6.) Sneaking Out

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Dreya's P.O.V

I jolted awake and sprung into a sitting position.

What the fuck was that dream I just had?

Why did I just dream of Dak dying of an overdose?

I burst into tears again, covering my face with my hand's and just letting the tears fall. No sense trying to stop them at this point.

I peaked over at my clock and saw that it is nearly five in the morning. The sun is gonna be up soon.

Miss Hanna doesn't let us leave our rooms until at least sevenish in the morning.

Unless we have a reason.

Does needing to be within someone's presence to keep yourself from going insane count as a valid reason?

If not, it really should.

I let out a sigh and got up onto my feet and walked over to my door, cracking it open to see if anybody is around.

There shouldn't be anyone awake right now. Like I said, we gotta wait until like seven to go anywhere.

Seeing that coast is clear, I opened my door and closed it behind me quietly.

I walked over to the bathroom and went in just to give myself a moment to calm down a little bit more.

This idea, is probably the dumbest idea I have ever bad. Well, other than let's try heroin, it'll be fun. That, that was the dumbest idea ever.

I looked at myself in the mirror just to see how dead I look.

And I'm probably gonna be even more dead in the morning when Miss Hanna sees me not in my own room, but I need to be with someone right now.

I wanna go to Wyatt, but he probably won't answer the door. He's probably fast asleep.

Oh well, worth a shot. At least then I can say I tried.

I walked out of the bathroom and tip-toed down the hallway until I was standing outside of Wyatt's room.

I knocked in the door softly, not wanting to be too loud and wake anybody else up. I really don't feel like getting caught right now.

No answer.

I check the door knob to see if it it's locked, luckily it's not.

I slowly opened the door and saw Wyatt sleeping on his back, small snores escaping his mouth.

"Wyatt?" I whispered, even though I know it's not gonna help me much.

"Psst. Wyatt?" I said a little bit louder, but still not my normal talking voice.

Still nothing.

I closed the door behind me and walked over to his bed.

I placed my hand on his chest and shook him slightly, causing him to stir a bit.

"Wyatt. Wake up." I said quietly.

I watched as his hands came up to rub his eyes, but I could tell that he wasn't really awake.

I shook him again, a little harder this time and I caused him to jump a little bit.

"Wyatt?" I said again.

"Dreya? What time is it?" He asked groggily.

"Its only a little after five." I said

"We're not allowed to roam around yet, what are you doing out of your room?" He asked me, sitting up in his bed.

"I don't really know. I just thought maybe I could hangout in here for the next few hours until I'm allowed to roam around the house. Me being alone is freaking me out. I keep having bad thoughts." I said, my voice showing how uncomfortable I was with being by myself.

"Won't Miss Hanna get mad if she finds out?" He asked me.

"Probably, but I don't know what else to do Wyatt. Please can I stay in here?" I asked him and sheet out a little sigh.

"Yeah you can. You want me to stay up with you?" He asked me and I shook my head.

"No. No, it's fine. You should get all the sleep you can. Don't let me take that away from you. I'll just go sit at your desk chair. I'll be okay." I said, starting to walk away from him.

He reached out and grabbed my hand, stopping me from going any further.

"Lay down and get some sleep Drey. If Miss Hanna comes in I'll try and keep you out of trouble." He said and I shook my head at him again.

"Wyatt I'll be fine. Don't worry." I said trying to walk away again, but his grip remained just as light as it had been.

"Usually when people say don't worry, it means worry." He said, and I let out a sigh.

"I know." I whispered.

"C'mere. You can lay in my bed, I'll get up." He said, rubbing his eyes.

"No. Wyatt you're still tired."

"I don't care Dreya. You need sleep more than I do."

"No. I'm not kicking you out of your bed."

"Fine the just lay down with me."

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