Chapter 1

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A white lion with horns layed on a cliff edge. The energon mine was under them and the lion watched as the decepticons mined energon.

"Hey sister!" She called for her white two tailed wolf sister. "Should we kill them?" She asked as the wolf had looked down at the energon mine.

"Why not?" She asked back while grinning. The lion nodded and growled with her sister.

They jumped down and killed all of the decepticons within a moment. They went back on their previous place on a cliff and shifted into their human forms. They stared down at the dead decepticons and started to leave just as they heard a swirling portal open up.

Three autobots came out of it and looked around in shock.

"How can they be dead?" Bulkhead asked as he looked at the dead decepticons before him.

Arcee knelt down and looked at one of the decepticons chest plates where there was claw marks. She touched the wound and the claw marks were deep. "Something with long claws killed them." She said and looked around to see maybe the killer is still here.

"But some of them don't have claw wounds." Bulkhead said and looked at Arcee.

::Up there.:: Bumblebee beeped as he gestured up towards the cliff edge where the two humans looked them. As Bumblebee noticed them, the two humans went away and shifted back to two tailed wolf and lion with horns.

For their luck, the autobots didn't saw the two gods shift.

"More humans saw us?" Arcee asked after she had called the ground bridge. "We have to tell to Optimus about it." She said as they walked trough the ground bridge.

"Back so fast?" Ratchet asked as he and Optimus stood in the main room.

"Decepticons were already dead when we arrived." Arcee said and Optimus raised his optic ridge.

::And we were not the only one. Two humans saw us.:: Bumblebee added.

"Two humans?" Optimus asked and Bumblebee showed them the picture he managed to take before the two human girls disappeared.

One human had red eyes, three claw marks on her right eye, and she had black hair with dark red highlights. She wore white jacket, it seemed like someone had clawed it, with black details and black jeans.

The other one had scar from her left eye corner to her mouth left corner and a bandage was over her eyes. She had black hair with white highlights. She wore light red jacket with some yellow on it and light grey jeans.

"We need to get them both back here." Optimus said after he had looked at the two girls on a picture.

Animal forms:

God of life

God of death

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God of death

God of death

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God forms:

God of life - phoenix

God of death

God of death

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God Of Life And God Of DeathWhere stories live. Discover now