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Colby has been fighting with everyone in the house. Me included.

It was normally Elton getting the brunt of colbys anger, Colby threatened to kill him and make him 'regret being born'. I couldn't really stop him because..well the boys keep Elton away from me.

It was the eve of Colbys birthday, Sam and I where currently in his room planning the trip to Las Vegas when I hear a crash and screaming. Sam set down his laptop and looked at me, eyes wide. 'That's Colby..' he groaned and I sat up.

I look out the window and cant see Eltons car so I start walking down the stairs.

'Punkin?' I call gently and follow the crashes and incoherent screaming to the garage. 'Colby? baby are you ok?' I ask

the room goes silent as I sigh, 'baby?' he mumbles through heavy breaths but I stay behind the closed door.

'Colby.. if I open this door that garage better not be destroyed.' I sigh, I just wanted to forget what happened and Colby was making it harder. Elton was obvious to blame but he respected the boundaries and paid the medical bills. Nothing  pleased Colby.

'I guess you might not wanna open this door then' he said and I could hear the chair squeak under the weight of him.

I gently pushed the door open and see the room covered in eltons belongings and a very satisfied Colby in the middle of it, his smile fading as soon as he saw my angry stare.

'Don't be mad-' he began but I slammed the door behind me

'DONT BE MAD- I- I want to move on Colby, TO- to not be so uncomfortable in this house.' I sigh as he begins to stand. 'I just want to move on, to forget this incident but no! no Colby has to be angry and break things and make the tension so much worse' I put my face in my hands and sigh

'Its cause I love you' he says catching me off guard

'Why...why say it when I'm angry.. those words aren't meant to be a peace keeper Colby they are meant to mean something..'  I whispered feeling tears fall off my cheeks, it was all getting to much.

I felt a gentle hand on the small of my back which I came to realise was Sam as he stared in disbelief at the mess Colby had made.

This is not your fault - Colby Brock fanficWhere stories live. Discover now