chapter 1

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Gonna be a lemon in dis story, maybe more then one. Don't like don't read.

Jack climed through his boyfriends window, "y/n, are you here?" He called, but he received no answer, jack walked into the kitchen to see y/n lying on the floor with his throat slit and blood around him, "y/n" jack shouted running over to his lover "y/n, stay with me, don't die on me" jack panicked as he ran around the kitchen and gathered bandages and a sewing kit then he knelt by y/n and started cleaning the blood off of his neck then stitching it up.

Y/n slowly opened his eyes to find himself on the sofa, jack shoved a kidney into y/n's mouth "who hurt you?" Jack said as he had his legs wrapped around y/n's waist, y/n mumbled something but it just sounded like 'jxdkfgkdnd' as he was chewing on a kidney, jack sighed and pulled the kidney away from y/n's mouth, he whined and tried to grab the kidney but jack had moved up so he was now sitting on y/n's lower stomach stopping him from moving very much "jjjjaaacccckkk" y/n whined still trying to reach for the kidney, he groaned and reached up to his neck, jack sighed "names, I know you get bullied and I know your extremely depressed, so give me there names" jack growled, y/n sighed "Jamie Evans, jamiene Taylor, Cole yahndo, Derek james and Jamie's girlfriend Emily Sandra. Now give me the kidney" y/n mumbled, jack stuffed the kidney back into y/n's mouth and got up "don't get too bloody" y/n said happily munching on the delicious organ "you like it when I come back covered in blood, the only thing I regret after Is how much my arse hurts" jack mumbled as he walked to the door and left.

Sorry I know it's short I'll make a longer one next chapter.

eyeless jack x Depressed seme male readerWhere stories live. Discover now