Chapter 8

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Jack lay on the floor bleeding and half dead when y/n and Jeff appeared, "so you did turn up. And with my idiot brother" liu growled taking his foot off jacks back letting him breathe, y/n growled and stepped closer only for liu to pull jacks head up by his hair and put a knife to his throat. Y/n stopped and thought for a second, 'I'm going to call Alex, we need back up' he said telepathically to Jeff who nodded slightly, "liu what are you doing, you should have left him alone, y/n doesn't want you" Jeff said only for liu to growl and throw jacks head back on the floor in anger "he's mine, time to make a choice y/n, come with me and he lives, refuse and he dies!" Liu growled "liu please" y/n breathed "no! You choose or I kill him anyway" liu shouted grabbing jacks hair again, y/ns eyes widened before he saw a shadow behind liu move and shift into the shape of a tall and muscular male making him smirk "go ahead, see what happens" he said, liu growled and dug the knife into jacks neck more.

Liu was pulled off by the hair and was pinned to a strong chest. "Take him" Alex said looking at jack then y/n, y/n nodded and ran over then picked jack up then walked off with Jeff following, after a few seconds of walking they heard liu scream....
Y/n ran into the mansion with Jeff running ahead to get dr smiley. Y/n gently lay Jack on the table, his eyes were half closed and he was barely breathing with blood and bruises all over him, Devin ran in "shit" he breathed before getting to work on fixing jack up.

eyeless jack x Depressed seme male readerWhere stories live. Discover now