chapter 6

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Jack walked down stairs to see y/n lying on the sofa watching TV "hey y/n I'm going in the shower" he said "I'll join you in a minuet" y/n said practically jumping up, jack smiled "it's only supposed to be me in the shower dingus" he giggled "not anymore" y/n replied grabbing jacks hand and dragging him into the bathroom.

??? Prov

'So that's his weakness, if I get rid of him, y/n and i can finally be together' I thought as I started to form a plan in my head to get my y/n back.
I walked away from the house smirking as I knew just what to do, 'kill what he loves' a voice said in my head making me smile.

3 person prov

"Screw you y/n" jack mumbled as y/n kissed his neck "no, I'm screwing you, right against this wall" y/n replied with a smirk as jack moaned at every powerful thrust y/n did.

"I hate you, you have to make it up to me now" jack huffed as he lay in bed with y/n next to him "I'll take you to get diner and a show" y/n smirked, jack smiled "that sounds great, now go and get me a drink, my arse hurts" jack said picking y/n's chest, he smiled and kissed jacks head before he got out of bed.

Later that night~

??? Prov
'Finally, I can put my plan into action, y/n has gone out and his little lover boy is all mine to torture' I thought as I laughed quietly, I opened the window and crept inside the house, i walked up to y/n's room and opened the door to see his lover asleep on the bed 'too easy' I thought as I pulled out a needle and quickly injected the liquid into his arm, then I picked him up and carried him to my home.

Jacks prov~

I slowly opened my black eyes hoping to see y/n's chest beside me but I found that I was tied to a chair somewhere unfamiliar, suddenly someone next to me stood up and turned a light on momentarily blinding me "glad to see your awake sweetheart" said a sickly sweet voice, I looked up to the person and my eyes widened as I saw...~

Cliff hanger, hahaha hahaha, I'm so evil muhahahahaha, *gets hit with metal bat* 'Finally he shut up' *puts bat down* 'see ya next chapter guys' -author chans bf devin (Dr smiley).

eyeless jack x Depressed seme male readerOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora