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The next couple of weeks go by quickly, Stiles and Scott fast becoming very close friends, just as they both had secretly predicted. Their personalities match really well and despite the massive time differences of when they both grew up and how different their worlds were, determining how they are as people now, they have a lot in common and feel the same on different major issues of the world. Stiles enjoys finally having a friend for once, not having felt this happy and alive since his dad and Malia died. He thought that his work would be sufficient to keep him happy, but he realizes now that it wasn't enough. He did need someone to talk to and rely on. He couldn't just keep bottling everything up and convincing himself that he is okay, hiding his own pain and sadness even from himself. It just wasn't healthy. Anyway, Stiles is just glad that he has a close friend that he can talk to now. The two can talk about everything or nothing, it doesn't really matter. They always find ways to make each other laugh and feel better if they are having a rough day.

Stiles of course has been continuing to teach Scott about society today, and giving him a brief history lesson on what happened after 1948, so Scott can understand how society got to where it is today. It's confusing for Scott, but he tries to follow along to the best of his abilities. Stiles forced Scott start watching the Star Wars series from early on, and it doesn't take long for him to catch up on them all. Scott thinks the movies are alright, maybe not living up to Stiles' extreme hype of them, but he does prefer to see Stiles get all excited about them. Besides, at least he now gets the Star Wars references Stiles makes every now and then. At first, he thought it was something that everyone in this era did, but Scott soon figured out that it was just Star Wars fans, and even then, he figured that Stiles would probably be the biggest contributor to the Star Wars quotes in random conversations anyway. Not that Scott minds, of course. He likes to see Stiles happy and excited about something.

Stiles also did help Scott go shopping and buy him some of his own clothes after the first few days, and surprisingly, Scott chose things that actually didn't look half bad. Stiles expected him to have a horrible sense of fashion, considering he lived through the 20's 30's and 40's. However, Scott doesn't know how to use technology at all, even though Stiles tries to teach him how to use a laptop, a phone and even the TV. It never really works. Scott just looks clueless, pressing random buttons and asking extremely simple questions that shouldn't even be questions that it's wearing thin on Stiles' patience and he wants to pull his hair out, so Stiles decided to stop the technology lessons, at least for now. Stiles is pretty sure if Scott actually does end up buying swing music, Stiles will be just as stupidly clueless as Scott is with technology. Stiles grins a little at the thought, thinking it's great payback and he wants to tell Scott 'I told you so' when Scott inevitably gives up on him, determining his dancing as a hopeless case.

As for the bed situation, as Stiles' small apartment only has one bedroom and one double bed, Stiles offered to sleep on one of the couches while Scott could take the bed, but Scott refused to do that. It's Stiles' apartment, it wouldn't be fair for Stiles to sleep on the couch for however long until Scott can find his own little apartment in New York. That could take at least a couple of years of full time work, so he can get enough money just to find a place of his own to rent. Scott doesn't want to make Stiles sleep on the couch for that long. It's not fair. Of course, Stiles finds reasons against Scott's case, and they argue about it for a very long time until finally Stiles gives up and let's Scott be the one to sleep on the couch, though Stiles tells Scott he is happy to switch it around sometimes, so Scott doesn't always have to sleep on the couch, which would eventually get uncomfortable. Scott felt pretty happy with his victory. Besides, he's finding that the couch is a very comfy place to sleep.

Stiles takes Scott to work with him, as he doesn't want to leave Scott alone just yet. Besides, it's nice to have some company in his lab. He makes sure Scott stays away from any equipment or chemicals, because Stiles would never forgive himself if Scott got hurt in his lab. Stiles is pretty sure that he'd lose his job too, but that comes second, Scott's safety coming first by a long shot. Taking Scott to work gives Stansfield time to talk to and examine Scott anyway. Stiles also introduces Scott to Danny, and to Stiles' relief, the two of them get along well. The three of them hang out on weekends sometimes now, usually at a bar or a pub, but sometimes they'll go to the cinemas, if there is something good on.

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