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The day before they are supposed to leave for California, Stiles tells Scott that he has a surprise for him. Stiles looks a little nervous about it, almost as if he's worried about how Scott will react to it, so Scott reassures him that it will be fine and that Scott will probably love it. Feeling a little more reassured about the idea, Stiles decides to go ahead with it, telling Scott that they are going out somewhere. He's taking him to the cemetery in the middle of town.

In the last couple of days, after getting some information from Scott about his friends and family, Stiles managed to do some research and ask some people some questions. The end result was that he found where Scott's family and friends were buried. Well, everyone except for Allison, anyway. There are apparently no death records for her, so Stiles has no idea what that means. She probably wasn't put on the record anywhere here, or maybe she died somewhere outside of New York. The latter definitely seems more probable. Stiles hopes that Scott will appreciate the effort Scott went to in order to find this. He also hopes that he appreciates Stiles renewing Scott's mom, Liam and Isaac's grave for another 99 years. Turns out, they were all buried in the same cemetery that Stiles' parents and Malia was buried. Go figure, right?

Stiles and Scott walk out of the apartment, go down the elevator, walk through the lobby and out of the building. Stiles then leads Scott over to his jeep, where they jump in and Stiles starts driving away.

"Where are we going?" Scott asks in curiosity after a few minutes of silence.

"If I told you, then it would ruin the surprise, wouldn't it?" Stiles teases with a smile. Scott groans in dismay and rolls his eyes. His friend might be too good and stubborn at sticking to his promises and deals sometimes, if anyone were to ask Scott. He doesn't mind too much though. It's just one of the things that makes Stiles, well, Stiles. And Scott likes Stiles the way he is, so he wouldn't change anything. Scott has tried to make friends with a few other people in Stiles' apartment building, or at Stiles' work, or even when Scott is going grocery shopping with Stiles and they've split up to find stuff, but the only other friend other than Stiles that he has so far is Danny. No one else has been that interested in him, and, quite frankly, Scott isn't really interested in them either. Although, he knows that people will probably be interested in him when they find out that he was frozen in a block of ice for 70 years.

"Don't worry, Scotty, I think you'll like it." Stiles adds in a reassuring voice with a kind smile on his face. He really does hope Scott will like it. He'd rather Scott be in a good mood for when they fly out for California tomorrow. Stiles is glad that they decided to pack a couple of days in advance. If they hadn't of done that, Stiles is certain he would end up forgetting something. Packing in advance has allowed him to check off his 'must pack list' two times.

"I hope so, Stiles. I was enjoying lounging around and doing nothing." Scott replies with a smirk. Stiles can't help but laugh.

"You, my friend, are going to have to get a job soon. You can't just keep being a free loader, you know." Stiles says, still laughing a bit.

"Don't worry, I'll help you with looking for a job." Stiles assures him in a more serious voice as he drives through New York City.

"Thanks." Scott replies gratefully.

"You'd prefer an animal clinic, right?" Stiles asks as he drives through the busy city.

"Yeah, that would be nice. That's what I'm used to." Scott nods in agreement.

"Hmm, okay. I know three vets around this sort of area. I'll try and help you put together a resume and I'll try to convince them to have an interview with you. If a vet doesn't work out, I'm sure we can figure something else out." Stiles tells Scott.

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