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Beverly pov

I walked to class, passing the girl.
She looked really cute, i would have to admit.
As I walked into my next class period, I saw her, sitting in the seat next to mine.
All i can do now is hope she won't notice me...

(Y/n) pov

I saw Beverly sit in the seat next to mine. I took out my notebook, and wrote the notes the teacher told the class.

"Find a partner, were pairing people up for our new history project."

The teacher called out.

Me and Beverly looked at each other.

"So, want to be partners?" Beverly asked, in an uneasy tone.


I replied back.

~time skip/lunch~

It was lunch time, and I grabbed my lunch box and sat at a random table, and I heard someone call my name.

I looked back, and behind me, was Beverly doing the cutest smile I'd ever seen.

She motioned me to sit next to her, so I got up and sat in the seat next to her.

Next to her were 4 boys..

They were kinda annoying to when I cleared my throat.

"Oh, um, (y/n) this is Eddie, Richie, Stanley, and Bill."

They all waved at me and continued their conversation, as me and Beverly made some conversation.

"So, got a boyfriend?"

I blurted.

Beverly slightly shook her head.

"No, do you?"

I shook my head as well.

As soon as I got up to throw my lunch away and head back to class, I tripped on my shoelaces, of course...
And landed on Beverly.

I blushed as she laughed.

"Be more careful sport."

She said as she playfully pinched my cheeks.

I got up, helping Beverly up, as we both went to our separate classes.

"See you later or after school, homegirl."

I slightly giggled.

"Ok, see ya."

While walking to my next class, I whispered to myself..


~End of chapter~

So, I'm so surprised you guys like my story so far! I'll keep writing every so often for you guys! I love you all!

The Girl Next Door: Cuts and Bruises [Beverly Marsh x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now