10 - Where is y/n?

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[y/n's pov]

I let myself slide against the stall, wiping my face repeatedly as I felt the tears run down my face. To my dismay, with every wipe at the tears that continued to fall out of my eyes, they kept coming. I needed to get myself together before going to class. I was already late as it is. I adjusted my outfit and brushed myself off, taking deep breaths to try to calm myself down. The bathroom was silent, the only sound audible were my sniffles and shuffles of movement which echoed with every sound I made.

I was upset at myself for crying over something so stupid. Who cries over someone they knew they had no chance with? I sniffled, pulling a letter out of my backpack. "January embers, my heart burns there too." I felt tears fight at my eyes once more, letting them fall, staining the paper which the letter inhabited. I held it close to my chest, sniffling to myself whilst smiling half-heartedly. I should have known better. I wiped my eyes one final time before getting my stuff together again, setting the small letter in my backpack, zipping it back up.

I came out of the stall, looking at myself in the mirror. I looked awful. My eyes were puffy and my nose was a bit runny. I turned on the faucet, splashing my face with water, rubbing it on my face. I heard footsteps from behind me, so i turned around to look, yet nobody was there. I shook it off and continued to aid myself to make my face look less like I just got my heartbroken. Drying off my face, i did one last check to my features to analyze if it was noticeable that I cried.

The sound of giggling broke out through the bathroom, sending shivers down my spine. A bit shaken up, I decided to try to leave, putting my hand on the door handle, only to find out it won't open. "Shit. Shit. Shit." I cursed out, fumbling with the door hurriedly. The giggling got louder, by this moment i was pretty panicked. "Where are you going (y/n)? Don't you want to float too?" I turned around, seeing the same familiar figure of a small boy in a raincoat. He looked like he suffered a few injuries, and his arm was bitten clean off. I stared in discomfort, words not leaving my mouth until i could force them out. "Who are you?" The boy began to stare at me, his eyes piercing my soul, brown eyes exchanged with a terrifying yellow glow, almost animalistic eyes. No response from the boy, instead he disrupted into crooked giggles. With each pinch of laughter he shed, his voice became deeper, more distorted and animalistic.

My hands began shaking, as I immediately turned around and began pulling at the door with all my force. No matter what i did it wouldn't open. Through my panic, I began to scream out, in hopes someone heard my desperate pleas for help. The bathroom fell silent. Still fumbling the door, i stopped for a minute. Why was it so quiet? I was too afraid to turn around, so i looked from the corner of my eyes, to see the boy was gone. Almost audibly, i let out a sigh of relief turning my attention back to the door, but instead of being met with a door, I was met with cold dark surroundings.

I looked around, taking in my settings as I began to walk around slightly. Where the hell was i? Where was everyone? How did I get here? Was I in a sewer? "How fucking disgusting." I commented, upon smelling a horrible stench, almost as if it smelled of rotten flesh. I looked down, at the water that held within the tunnels, seeing my reflection. I noticed as I looked at my feet, i had lost one of my shoes, my black sock was soaked in the disgustingly discolored water. I was afraid to take a step forward, i didn't know where I was. The only thing keeping me alert was the terrifying laugh, that of a clown off into the distance. What once was a boy contorted it's body in horrifying manners, emerging a horribly proportioned man, with horrifying features. Sharp teeth, a terrifying smile accompanied by a rotting laugh.

I froze in fear, my breath hitched at the sight. I found myself backing up slowly, until i fell on my bottom into the odd smelling water, using my hands to back myself up further from the clown. It laughed, taking steps with every shed of laughter. By now, i had tears down my face once again, my whole body trembling with fear and adrenaline. I didn't know where I was, but i knew, I was no longer in Derry.

[Beverly pov]

I was growing fidgety, my nervous expression attracting Ben's concern. "Are you okay Beverly?" I nodded my head, tapping my foot on the ground. (Y/n) hasn't been to class since I last talked to her. I saw her dash out to the bathroom, but she hasn't come back since. Filled with guilt and anticipation, once the bell rang signaling the end of class, i grabbed my things and hurriedly made my way to the bathroom. Ben and the others followed me, clearly concerned. "Beverly w-what's u-up?" Bill stuttered out, grabbing my shoulder, I looked at him and continued walking, as we reached the door to the girls bathroom. I opened the door, looking around for any sight of (y/n). "We're not supposed to be in here!" Richie blurted, his facial expression contorting. "Oh shut up Richie," Stanley interrupted the boy, helping Beverly look around. "I'm just saying, unless you want to get period germs on you." Eddie looked at Richie, a disgusted facial expression. "Okay was that really necessary?"

"By the way I fucked your sister," Richie teased, making Eddie groan in annoyance. "Are you serious right now? You're disgusting Richie," The two continued to bicker until I called out to them. "Guys, look at this." They all gathered around Beverly, looking at what she showcased. "It's (y/n)'s shoe." I spoke out, analyzing her initials written on the shoe tag. I looked up at the boys with a distressed look on my face, the color drained from Bill's face. He pointed up at the wall, as we all followed where he was pointing. "G-g-guys.." We all gasped, as i put my hand over my mouth, dropping (y/n)'s shoe. The words on the wall, written in blood, 'You'll float too'.

All of us stood there, astonished, I was the first one to burst out of the bathroom, the door opened weightlessly, revealing the boys following behind me. "Beverly where are you going?" Mike questioned, matching his walking pace with mine. "To find (y/n)." I replied, getting on my bike, as the rest of them followed. "We don't even know where she is? What the fuck do you think this is? Back to the future?" I rolled my eyes, luckily Bill read my mind. "Shut up Richie." Richie looked offended, gasping exaggeratedly. "I get it. Everyone teams up on the kid with glasses right? It's because I'm not a virgin isn't it?" Eddie clicked his teeth, riding behind me keeping up with my pace, as each paddle on my bike propelled me further. "Richie i think you should shut the fuck up right about now," Richie rolled his eyes, as we all rode our bikes down to meet a broken down abandoned house.

"How do you know if she's even in here?" Eddie asked, raising his eyebrow. "I don't know. Something about this just seems off." Eddie trembled, opening his mouth to speak. "That's where I saw the clown." Everyone looked at the boy, almost all of us nodding in agreement as if we were going to head inside. "I'm not going in there. Y'all are on your own." Richie interrupted, looking at the house. "Well I am. (Y/n) could be in there. We have to find her guys," Ben nodded at me, but Mike thought otherwise. "We can notify the police of her disappearance," I clicked my teeth in annoyance, looking at him. "And how many more people are gonna go missing as well. Guys! She's our friend!" I paused after saying the word friend, remembering what I told (y/n) earlier before going on. "We owe it to her to try to look for her. And if we don't find her... we'll report it to the police."

The boys looked at each other for a few silent minutes before nodding in agreement. We all set our bikes down, and walked up to the entrance. "So.. which one of you motherfuckers are going first?" Richie commented, looking at the entrance. I rolled my eyes, "All in favor of going in first?" To my dismay, nobody raised their hand. I scoffed, looking at Bill, who had his hand raised. "I-i'll go," he nodded, getting in front of me opening the door to the run down house.

We had to find (y/n). And I'll stop at nothing until we do.
End of chapter.

Hola hola I know I take long asf to get chapters out i apologize but here it is!! Anyways I hope you enjoy and there's more chapters coming up!!

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 20, 2020 ⏰

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