7- IT appears

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[ beverly pov ]

I walked home that night, after taking y/n home.
I still couldn't shake the thought from my head ,though.
As I neared my apartment complex, I let out a large sigh, seeing my dads small car parked outside of it.
I didnt want to even step foot in that house as long as he was there. I'd rather die.
As my footsteps echoed toward the door, by now my bike had been parked by the door.
I entered through the door quietly, luckily my father had been asleep long before I had gotten home.

immediately, I went into the bathroom, staring relentlessly at my long hair.
I hated myself so much, I just couldn't express it.
(y/n) hadn't known anything about the struggles I went through, but yet she acted as if she knew everything I went through.
Tears would stream from my face uncontrollably.
I'm not good enough for her. Her amazing smile, her amazing personality, is not for me to experience.
Everything I ever said she was, was just a dream.
You can't love a straight girl.

I looked down, grabbing the scissors from the sides of my sink, and cut a small strand of hair.
How good it felt, to finally set myself free from the monstrous hold it seems my father has held on me.
“You did this..” I sobbed through my tears, cutting larger strands of hair off.
I kept cutting, my tears flowed uncontrollably as I finally put the scissors down, running my hand through my now shorter hair.

I hung my head, at the corner of my eye, saw a tall man standing in the corner of my bathroom.
I looked, seeing nothing.
Creeped out and startled, I exited the bathroom quickly, only to find the door won't open.
Looking back towards where the man was standing, I continuously turned the knob, hearing weird sounds coming from the sink.
I immediately stopped, and froze.
I slowly made my way to the sink, looking inside the drain.

someone whispered. It came from the drain hole.
I took a long tape measure and put it down the hole, extending the tape slowly.
The hole was deep, and seemed neverending, until the tape reached its height limit.
As I pulled it back out, there was blood.
I looked at it, tugging it, something seemed to tug back.
I successfully pulled it out, but something restrained my arm, I pulled back, but it wasn't any use.
It soon restrained around my head, pulling it closer to the drain.
I screamed, looking into the drain hole, as blood spurted out, and onto my face, everywhere.

I stammered back, crying and screaming, as my father burst into the door.
“What the hell is going on in here?!”
He yelled out, seeing me in a corner hysterically crying.
“Th-There's blood-”
I started, pointing at the sink.
“What? There isn't any blood. You worry me, Bevvy.”
He said, cupping my face and leaving me in the bathroom, curled into a ball and crying.

    End Of Chapter.

The Girl Next Door: Cuts and Bruises [Beverly Marsh x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now