Part blaze

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I sat with my family as we waited for the results. I played with my gold necklace with my sweaty hands.

I bet your wondering what's going on. Well, let me explain. I live in the world of minecraft. Unlike in your game, though, we have hybrids. What are hybrids? Basically, it's when a human is mixed with a monster from our world. For example, I could be part creeper, zombie, skeleton, spider, slime or any other monster from any other world. It happens at random, so I have no idea if I am a hybrid.

The doctor walks up to us. "Can I please talk to Tabitha?" he asked. "I prefer Tally." I said. My mom nudged me with her elbow."Be nice.'' she said. I sighed. "I'm coming." I said. I followed the doctor in to a small room. All that was in there was a table, two chairs and a file on the table. I sat down. "Tally, we have your test results. Please look in the file." he said, handing me the files. I slowly open it. Inside where tons of paper that I didn't know what they meant. "Read the last one." the doctor said. I reach in and grab the last paper. There was a short paragraph of writing and a picture of me. I had light orange, almost blond hair, hazel eyes and tanned skin. And, of corse, I had my gold necklace on. I held up the paper to see what it said.

'Tabitha (Tally) Jonav:
Seen DNA of:
Human (50%)
Blaze (50%)
Result: Blaze hybrid.
needed [x]
Unneeded [ ]
Date of execution: Sep 17 2014, 9:37 am.

I stare at the paper. The word 'execution' haunts me. And the date of it. Tomorrow. "I will tell your family the news. You will stay here for the night." the doctor said. He stood up and walked out the door, locking it behind him. I feel myself start to cry. I stop myself before it can get out of hand. Crying can't fix this sort of thing. It's not like people will care. Nobody care's about hybrids. My doctor comes back a minute later. "Come with me. We're going to your room. You will stay here for the night. Tomorrow morning will be your execution." he said. I said nothing. I followed him to my room. Well, it was more like a cell. There was two beds, each by a wall and a window blocked off by iron bars. The doctor pushed me in and locked the door. "Your cellmate will be here soon." he said.

I sat down on one of the two beds. I looked out the window. The sun was setting. I saw the first few zombies and creepers come out. I jumped when I heard the door open. Another doctor was there with a girl. This doctor looked almost the exact same as my doctor. They both had brown hair, blue eyes, pale skin and a white lab coat. The only differents that I could see was that this doctor was shorter the my doctor. The girl he was holding was screaming at the top of her lungs. "Get me out! You can't do this! I won't let you! Let go of me you asshole!" she yelled. He tossed her into my cell and closed the door.

She was crying now. "Nononononononononononononono. This isn't happening. This isn't real. I'm not going to die. Please, I'm not going to die." she said as she cryed. She had black hair and dark skin. Her eyes were brown. She was wearing a green t-shirt, green shorts, black shoes and a green and black ring on her right ring finger. "Stop crying. It's not going to fix anything. This is real, and there's no way around it." I said. The girl just cried harder. I sighed and knelt next to her. "What's your name?" I asked. "J-Juli. And your's?" Juli asked. "I'm Tally." I said. Juli went and sat on the other bed. "So, what are you?" she asked. "Blaze. You?" I said. "Creeper." she said. She handed me her paper. "You can read it if you want." she said. I handed her mine and looked at her's.

Julia (Juli) Milena:
Seen DNA of:
Human (50%)
Creeper (50%)
Results: Creeper hybrid
Needed [x]
Unneeded [ ]
Date of execution: Sep 17 2014 9:47.

"Your's is right after mine." I said, looking at the time of her execution. She just nodded. It looked like she accepted what would happen tomorrow too.

At some point we both fell asleep. I was woken up by the sounds of banging on the wall. This had woken up Juli too. I looked out our widow to see what it was. I saw a girl. She had very pale skin, light, almost white, blond hair and surprisingly dark eyes. They looked almost black. She had a bow in her hand, with an arrow ready. That was what was hitting the wall. "What do you want?" I asked her. She looked up. "Are you alone?" she asked. Juli cane up beside me to see who I was talking to. "Guess not." the girl said. "Who are you?" Juli asked. "My name is Perla Jakstin. Might I ask what kind of hybrids you two are?" Perla asked, taking out a small notebook. "Why?" I asked. "I'm here to help you, just tell me who you are." Perla said. I looked at Juli. "We're going to die anyway. Might as well." she whispered. I nodded. We looked back at Perla. "My name is Juli, and this is Tally. I'm a creeper hybrid, and she's a blaze hybrid." Juli said. Perla wrote some things in the notebook and looked at us. "Alright. Since Owen is sick, I'm going to need you to explode, Juli." she said. Juli looked at Perla in shock. "What?! I can't explode." she said. "But you can. You are part creeper. You can do that kind of thing. It won't kill you. Please, just try." Perla said. Juli just shook her head. "I. Can't." she said. Perla looked at Juli and shook her head.

"Then I can't help you." she said. Perla started to walk away. "Hey! Don't go. Come on, there has to be something else you can do. Please!" Juli yelled. Then she got a look on her face. Her eyes went wide, her mouth opened and she grabbed her stomach. "What's wrong." I asked. "G-Get away!" she yelled. Next thing I knew, I was lying on the ground. The wall was gone. Perla was running back to us. Juli was standing in the middle of what was left of the wall. She wasn't hurt, but I knew I was. My vision was blurry, with black spots coming in and out of my vision. My head hurt. Perla ran to check on me. "Are you ok?" she asked. "M-My h-head hurt-ts. I-I can't see r-right. W-What are th-the black things?" I said. I felt myself start to black out. "No no, your ok. Just stay with us." Perla said. Juli was shaking my arm. It was to late. I pasted out in Perla's arms.

Part blaze (On hold. Sorry)Where stories live. Discover now