10. Friends

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As me, Chloe, Cybel and Juli walked to Diamando village, we started talking, trying to get to know each other better.

"Before my test, I was apart of Warriors, this group of other kids, training to become hunters or fighters when they get older. It was awesome!" Cybel said. "I was in that too. What sector?" Chloe asked. "Umm... 47 I think." Cybel said. "That was mine too!" Chloe said. "Wow, really?" Juli asked, surprised. "That's awesome!" I said, jumping up to float. Chloe looked at me. "I still think that's... odd." she said quietly. "Hm? What was that?" I asked. "Most blaze hybrids can't float right away, yet you've been floating since your first day here." Chloe said. "I guess she's just thpeckle." Cybel said. Juli started laughing. "What?" she asked. "Thpeckle. Thpeckle is special." Cybel said. Chloe giggled. "Right then." Chloe said. I put my head in my hand, laughing slightly. "Your weird." I said. "And your not?" Cybel said in response. "True, true." I said. It was nice to talk to them and forget about the bad stuff that was happening, even if it was just for a while. "Awwww, look look!" Juli started yelling, pointing deeper into the trees. Standing there was a pure white wolf, staring at us cautiously. "Hey there buddy." Juli said nicely, putting her hand out for the wolf to sniff. The wolf came closer, sniffing her hand before resting his head on her palm. "Your good with animals." Cybel said watching the wolf. Juli shrugged. "Always have been. Mostly with wolfs though." she said, pulling her hand away. The wolf let out a small whine before running back into the depths of the forest. "I had a wolf before my test. Two, actually. One was named Sammy, and the other Sky." Juli said, starting walk again. She suddenly folded her arms in front of her. "I-I miss them." she said sadly. She looked at the ground. I didn't know what to say. I'm not good with helping people when there sad. For a second I was scared she would explode, in till I realized this wasn't despair. This was just normal sadness. Juli uncrossed her arms and smiled again. "But I know there ok. My dad and step mom will take good care of them." she said happily. "What happened to your real mom?" Cybel asked. "She... was killed by creepers, ironically enough." Juli said quietly. "O-Oh." Cybel said. There was a bit of awkward silents before Chloe started talking again. "When we get to the village, I need Cybel and Juli to got to the lab and check for hybrids. Me and Tally with look for extra supplies." she said calmly. Juli nooded her head. "Got it." Cybel said. "Ok." I said quietly. Great, now things were sad again.

We walked into the village quietly. "Alright, me and Juli will meet up with you at the school." Cybel said. I nodded my head. "Great. Come on Tally." Chloe said, waving her hand towards the other side of the village. "Coming!" I call as I followed her. She toke me to the dump. There was piles of garbage and old stuff, things the villagers got rid of and forgot. We walked in and started digging through the trash. We found some glass bottles, tools, weapons, leather armor and some carpet for bedding. After our search, we went to the school and waited.

And waited.

And waited some more.

"Where are they?" Chloe asked herself quietly. I shrugged my shoulders. We waited for hours, but they never came. "We should go see if there ok." Chloe said nervously. I nodded my head and started walking. When we got to the lab, no one was there. All the walls were normal, and there was no one around. "Where did they go?" I asked, looking around. "Tally..." Chloe said, poking me looking the other way. I turned to see what she was looking at. Behind us were so many guards, one of them holding a sword to Juli's neck. Two others had there bows ready pointed at me and Chloe, ready to shot. Juli was shaking slightly, tears coming out of her eyes. Cybel was nowhere to be seen. I stared at the guards, swords ready to attack, bows ready to shot. They were all covered in golden armor, some with golden swords. One guard in particular caught my eye. He was the same as any other guard, except his armor and sword glowed a slight blue and purple, that swirled around the armor and weapon. He was fully enchanted. He stood up in front of the rest of the guards, sword pointed at me and Chloe. "If anyone makes a move, we will kill you both." the enchanted guard said, glaring at me and Chloe. We stood there, frozen. My hand twitched toward my sword, but quickly shot back. No, don't move. Chloe glanced at me for a second, before looking back at the guards. "Good. Now come with us. We need to finish a job." the enchanted guard said. Two more guards came at me and Chloe, putting there swords to our backs, forcing us to walk. We slowly started walking into the lab.

That was in till Edward showed up.

He appeared out of nowhere, with a stone sword in his hand. He grabbed Juli's arm, and disappeared. Next, Cybel grabbed Chloe and disappeared. Edward reappeared for me. He grabbed my arm, when something happened. One of the guards fired his arrow, which hit Edward.

In the head.

He collapsed to the ground beside me. I screamed as I saw blood trickle out of his wound. I bent down next to him. "Come on come on come on! Your ok. Your ok. Were gonna help you. This is nothing." I said, trying to pick up Edward or help him in some way. I heard a few gasps for breath, before nothing. No breaths. No movement. No heartbeat. "No...no...nononononono! No no no no nonononononononono!" I yelled, shaking the dead Edward in my arms. I knew it was no use. I saw a guard come at me out of the corner of my eye. Wiping the tears away, I toke the sword out of my pant leg and stood up. Suddenly, I wasn't sad any more. No, I was pissed. These people killed my friends, tried to kill me, and why? Beacause I'm a fucking hybrid. My breathing got quicker and my heartbeat got faster. I wanted them away from me, away from my friends, I wanted them dead.

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