6. Returning

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We gave our bags to Cybel. I hid my sword the leg of my pants. The warm metal, most likely from the fire aspect, made goose bumps on my right leg. It was an odd place to hide it, but I had no where else to put it. It hit my legs as we walked back to base. It was just me and Cilia this time, since Owen had decided to fly there on look out. He had forgotten to on the way there.

Me and Cilia walked with ought saying a word. We didn't know what to say. Cilia just hugged the baseball hat, looking distant and just out of it. I was looking at my sword. No one else was here, so who cared. It looked like an average sword, about as long as my arm. It glowed slightly with enchantments, making it look purple and blue in some ways. It felt nice in my hand as I easily swung it at some nearby vines. The vines lit on fire as soon as the sword cut into them. Luckily, the vines fell into a small puddle before catching the entire jungle on fire.

"Be careful where you swing that thing, don't want to burn down what semblance of home we have left." Cilia said with a small smile. I nodded, returning with my own smile. "Were almost there, you need to hide it somewhere." she said. I hid the iron sword in my pant leg again.

We walk into the clearing that we're living in. I see Chloe, Cybel and Owen digging in the bags. There is already a small pile of things we found in the rubble. Owen waves us over. I sat next to him, as Cilia sat between Cybel and Chloe. "You all found very useful supplies. I think the best plan of action for us is to start an underground base. We want to start mining as soon as possible, but we still need a night check for any new hybrids. I need volunteers." Chloe said, digging inside a bag. She looked up at us to see who was going. Juli walked to us. "What are you guys up to?" she asked. "We need people to go look for new hybrids tonight. Were looking for volunteers." Chloe said. "I'll go. I need something to get my mind off things." she said with a sad smile. "I'll go with her." I said. "Alright. Owen will fly over head and show you how to get to Diamando village from above." Chloe said. Owen nodded.

It was now late at night, with monsters walking around. They left us alone. Me and Juli were walking in the light of the moon, with only a small torch helping us see. We could see bits of Owen above us, leading us to the village. My sword was still hidden in my pant leg, in case anything goes wrong.

Finally, we found the rather large village of Diamando. Strong lights came from windows and doors of different houses and buildings. Nobody was out at this time, fearing the monsters would get them. Owen landed next to us. "I have to stop here. Do you remember where the lab is." he asked. We nodded. "Great. Once your there, hit the walls and windows a few times. If you find a hybrid, get them out at all costs. Even if you need to make them us there powers by walking away, do it." he said. Just like how Perla did it. Just the thought made me need to take a deep breath. I can do this. "Juli, if you can, try to explode yourself if you can. It might scare them, but it will make things easier." Owen added. Juli nodded. "Got it." she said. Owen gave us a final wave, toke the torch so we weren't noticed and flew up into the sky, going back to the rest of us.

As we walked to the lab, I started to remember my life here. The lab was on the other side of the village, so we had a while to go. I first saw my old school, Endraea School. It was a large wood buliding, with many windows and rooms. I went there since I was five years old. Thats where I found most of my friends, like Adam, my best friend, and Hannah, who had moved away two years ago. Most of them were proven not to be hybrids by the time I was tested. Tris ran away before they could test her. She was found dead a year later. I closed my eyes and tried not to think of her. The only ones that weren't tested (that lived) were Adam, Lola and Jared. I missed my friends.

I saw my house a while later. It was a small stone house, with a few windows and many torches on it. The lights were still on within it. I lived with my mom and dad, and had no brothers or sisters. My mothers name was Terry. She had the same hair and skin as me, and had nice blue eyes. She gave me my gold necklace when I first started school, telling me that she would always be with me if I had it. She had a sweet voice and lovely singing voice. She worked as a farmer, so when she got home, she always was covered in dirt and leafs and twigs in her hair and on her clothes. She always had a bright smile for me when she got home. My dad's name was Cory. I had his eyes. He had black hair and pale skin from working in the mines. He was a miner, so he was always out for days at a time before coming home. He told me, before he left again to mine, that he knew I survive anything, even if wasn't there with me. He taught me how to hunt and mine, and how to craft and bulid. He was always joking with me when he was there. I wondered if my mom was there now, alone with ought me or my dad. She most likely was.

I looked at Juli. She was looking at the ground, shaking her head slightly. She must have been thinking about her friends and family too. She played with her green and black ring.

We walked past them mines and farms, were my parents worked. No one was there, due to the time. Wheat, carrots, pumpkins and melons grew in the farms. I watched the wheat wave slightly in the calm breeze as we walked by. They farms were right next to the mines, a large hole in the ground fulled with different ores and stones. Monsters walked around inside, looking at us before going deeper into the cave. I saw the lights of distant torches deeper in the cave. I heard a faint sound of water running.

Finally we made it to the labs. It was the biggest building the village, with many small, bared up windows all over the walls. I remembered going there for my test. The test was just a simple DNA test. They toke some blood, x-rayed your brain and did tests on different parts of your body. The entire test toke about a day to complete. The next day you would get you results. The doctors were kind, that is, in till you were confirmed a hybrid. Then they acted like you were nothing more then dirt on there shoes. The test were always toke on different times for anyone. Depending on what gender you were, what kind of hybrid (if you were one), how heavy you were, and other things, you could be tested at the age of 2 to 60.

Me and Juli walked to the back wall, facing the jungle that hid our home. The windows were the only ones that had no lights, and they were the smallest in the building. They were covered in iron bars.

I looked up at the window. It was high up, higher than I could jump. The pure stone walls make it impossible to climb the wall. Suddenly, I had an idea. I turned to Juli, who was looking at the wall. "Piss me off." I told her. She looked at me in surprise. "Why?" she asked slowly. "I need it for my plan. Just make me mad or something." I told her. She thought for a second. "No." she said. "What! You have too! Do you want to help the other hybrids?" I said, trying not to yell. "Why should I? We already have enough mouths to feed, we don't need more." she said. "It's not about that! It's about helping the innocent people who are being killed for no reason!" I said. She just shook her head. I clenched my fists, looking at Juli in pure hatred. Why is she acting like this?

Suddenly, my skin felt hot. My heart beat got faster, and my breathing got deeper, like I was tired. I closed my eyes. I opened them a second later. I was covered in flames, with the blaze rods hovering around me. I knew my eyes were red, same as a normal blaze. I looked at Juli. She had a smile on her face. "Why are you smiling, you sick freak." I said. "I pissed you off, didn't I?" she asked smugly. "Ya, but-" I said, before being cut off. "Ya, but that was an act. I would never talk like that. I just did it to make you mad." she said. For a second I just stood there, before getting a stupid smile on my face. "Your good." I said.

I looked up and shot a blaze rod into the air. The flame lit up the small part of the sky. I started shooting more, hoping any hybrids inside could see. We walked from window to window, fireing rod after rod. The flaming rods hit the village's water sourse, going out instantly.

Finally, after a while of shooting blaze rods, we heard a voice. "What are you doing? What are you?" he yelled. We turned to look in the nearest window. I yelled in surprise. I knew that voice. This boy had the same dark hair, skin and eyes as the person I knew. He wore the same purple amulet, black hoodie and gray t-shirt as the person I knew. He looked down from the window at us.

It was Adam.

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