9. Continuing

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"Excuse me, but we found something that Zack was keeping. We would like to give it to you." a man said behind me and Selina. We turned to see him. He was holding a golden ring in his hand. I toke it. "Thank you." I said. We looked at the ring. "Why would he have a ring?" I asked. Selina shrugged. I looked at the small ring. It was messily made, since it was very bumpy and dirty. There was a small hole on the outside of the ring. Suddenly, it hit me. "Selina, I think I know why Zack wanted a diamond." I said. "Why?" She asked.

"Because he wanted to marry you"

Selina's eyes widened. I knew the ring was for her. He wanted the diamond for the top. "Really?" she said, taking the ring. "I think." I said. She started to cry again. I didn't know what to say. What do I say? Her boyfriend, for who knows how long just died for the diamond on the ring he was going to give her so that they could get married. What do I say to that?

I held her as she cried. Cybel, Owen, Hollie, Edward, Juli and Celia walked over. "What's this?" Hollie asked, looking at the ring. Her face was wet and dirty. Selina cried harder. "That was a wedding ring for Selina. The diamond Zack had was for the top. He wanted to marry Selina." I told them. They looked at me in shock. "...Wow." Juli said after a second. Suddenly, her eyes went wide. She started taking many big breaths and was shaking. "Juli? Juli what's wrong?" I asked as she fell to her knees. She closed her eyes tight. She clenched her teeth. "No." she quietly said. She slowly started to breathe normally again. "Juli, what was that?" Cybel asked. Juli put her head in her hands. "I'm sorry. It's just... nothing." Juli said. She got up and walked away.

Later that night, when everyone was asleep, I was watching the sky. What had happened to Juli? I had to find out. I got up and went to where she was sleeping. I gently shook her awake. "Hmmmm...What the- oh, it's just you Tally." she said as I woke her up. She sat up. "What do you need?" she asked. "I just want to know... what happened today?" I asked. "Oh, that." Juli said. "You know how it is, right? Since we can't properly control our hybrid powers, there controlled by a certain emotion." she said. "What do you mean?" I asked. "Well, you catch on fire when you have extreme anger, and I explode when I have extreme despair." she said. "I thought it was any emotion at it's extreme." I said. She shook her head. "No, because I've felt extreme anger and happiness and sadness here. But I never explode. But, when I think we have no hope, no chance, or just think I'm going to die, that's when I explode. Same for you! You've had extreme sadness, happiness and despair, right? You didn't light on fire. But, when you got mad at me, that's when you did." she said. I thought about it. I've been extremely happy, sad and even full of despair here. But, I only had fire when I was angry. "Wow..." I said. Juli laid back on the ground. "I'm goin' back to sleep. Good night." she sais. "Night." I said. I got up and walked back to where I was, laid down, and fell into a deep sleep.

That morning was just like any other. Digging, eating, more digging and so on. Everyone was quieter then before, not talking unless they needed to. They had kept the hole that Zack dug up for the diamond, as some sort if memorial. Inside they had some torches, giving us more light. I tried not to look at it, in fear that I would start crying again.

It was break time, and I was eating some pork. I sat with everyone as they had meat and fruit. Some were talking to Juli about yesterday, but she didn't talk much. She just said that it was nothing, and that they have better things to worry about. Chloe was starting to fly again, now that her wing was mostly healed. She was planing to back to Diamando village for new tools at some point. The tools we had now were breaking, giving us less and less to work with. She came to our group. "I would like to take Tally, Juli and Cybel to Diamando village, along with myself. If you three are up to it, we can go tomorrow night." Chloe said. I nodded my head. "Sounds good." Juli said. Cybel gave Chloe a small thumbs up.

"You sure you don't need me?" Owen asked the night me, Chloe, Juli and Cybel were going to Diamando village. "We know what we're doing." Juli said. "We will be fine. Just concern yourself with the rest of the hybrids." Chloe said. Owen let out a small sigh. "Fine." he said. "Thank you." Cybel said. "Ready to go guys?" I asked, handing out bags to the rest of them. "We're girls." Chloe said. "I call everyone guy. Anyway, are we going?" I said with a slight bit of annoyance. "I think so." Cybel said. "Let's get going!" Juli said, running ahead. "Hey!" Cybel called, chasing after her. Chloe face-palmed and followed the girls. "And not a single fuck was given that day." I said to myself. I ran after the rest of our group.

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