3. Training

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"You mean you steal from Diamando village! That's not really helping your 'peaceful life for hybirds' thing you got going." I said. "It's the only way we can get some of the most important supplies. How can we make potions without a brewing stand or glass bottles? We can't exactly farm with no hoe. We can't mine with no picaxe or torches. There's no other option." the skeleton hybrid Perla said.

We made our way to the training room. It was huge. It looked like it was a library before it rotted away, making it the perfect home for hybrids. It had long walls, giving the people flying lots of room. A stack of books sat in a corner, that I'm guessing belonged to the library. They were getting lit on fire by part ghasts and blazes. Enderman hybrids teleported from one end of the room to the other, steeling blocks along the way. Certain parts were made of obsidian, so that the creepers didn't destroy the place.

"Wow." was all I could say. "I know, seeing all these guys working on there powers and abilities, it's just amazing." Perla said. All Juli could do was nod. Perla nudged me with her elbow, like my mom did before a left. "Go on, start training. Meet more blaze hybids. Make new friends. Don't just stand here looking off into space." she said.

I nodded and pulled Juli in with me, leading her to the obsidian walls. I myself went to the other people shooting fireballs out of there hands. I quickly started floating instead of walking, just to look like I at least sort of knew what I was doing. As I joined the other blazes, they didn't even look at me. They kept looking at the small pile of wood and old books that they were lighting on fire. I started to do the same, squishing myself in between a girl with brown hair and dark skin and a boy with blond hair and pale skin.

I put my hand in front of my face and pushed. Nothing happened. I noticed that everyone else had lit them self on fire, all with red eyes and blaze rods spinning around them. How I never noticed that before, I will never know. I sighed and closed my eyes. I waited for the felling that I got before, when I first did the fire thing. Nothing. Of course. I tried again. Nothing.

Suddenly, I heard laughing nearby. I turned, ready to yell at people for laughing at me. Instead, I found a group of people, talking. They all looked like different hybrids, since they all looked so different. I saw Perla and Juli in the group, so I went to see them.

"Oh, hey Tally. Hey everyone, this is Tally, the other girl I helped." Perla said over the small crowd. They all said there hellos. "Excuse me, but what kind of hybrid are you?" one of then asked. He was really, really tall with dark blue eyes, jet black hair and dark skin. He was wearing a purple shirt and black pants, with purple shoes and sunglasses with purple rims. "Blaze. I'm guessing your an enderman." I said. The boy nodded. "My names Edward Zelden, by the way.'' Edward said.

I looked over the small group if people. One of them was a large boy, both in length and weight. His skin was somewhat tanned, he had hazel eyes like mine and blond, almost white, hair like Perla's. He saw me looking at me. "My name is Owen Gasten, by the way. I don't think I've told you that, have I?" Owen asked. I shook my head. "Alright, then I didn't just make this conversation awkward." he said. I smiled and nodded, letting out a small laugh. "Wait, aren't you Perla's partner or something?" I suddenly asked, remembering what Perla said. Owen nodded. "Ya. How'd you know that?" he asked. "Perla said you were sick when she came for me and Juli." I said. "Talking about me I see." Perla said smugly behind me. "More about us then just you." he said, giving Perla a look. "Still, you were talking about both of us, whitch also mean's me." she said, smilling. Owen rolled his eyes. "Ya ya, we know, your so smart." he said with an annoyed look.

Next I saw a girl. She was talking to Edward, laughting. She looked like him, with the same dark hair and blue eyes. Her skin was lighter though, and she was a bit shorter. She was wearing a black shirt with black jeans and purple and black shoes. "Tally, this is Cybel Nyx. Cybel, this is the other new girl, Tally." Edward said. "Hey. I heard you were part blaze. Right? Or do I sound like an derp?" Cybel asked. "No, your right. I'm part blaze. That's way I can do this." I said. I walked back and floated into the air. "Cool." Cybel said. I landed and walked back to the group. "I wish I could do that. All I can do is teleport." she said. "Hey, that's pretty cool too." Edward said. I nodded.

I saw a small girl looking at me. She was wearing a pink sweater and green shorts, and had brown hair. Her skin looked very soft, and looked almost like a light shade of pink. In her hand was a golden sword. I walked to her. "Hi, what's your name." I asked. "My name is Hollie Pensila. I am here to fight you." Hollie said. She was as tall as my waist, and her voice was slightly high pitched. She looked at me angerly, with her sword ready. I smiled. "Why do you want to fight me?" I asked. "Beacause I need to prove myself to my team, witch means winning a fight with you. Now fight me!" the small girl yelled. Owen picked up Hollie from behind as she started to swing her sword around, trying to hit me. "Calm down Hollie, that's no way to greet one of our new members." Owen said calmly. "But...but.." she started to say, looking at the ghast hybrid with big puppy dog eyes. "No mean's no." he said, putting her down on the ground. "But what am I going to do then. I'm bored." the small girl said, holding the O. "Why don't you go read your comics. I know someone just got a new spider pig comic." he said. Hollie's face lit up with a big smile. "Really! Ok, bye. I got to go see if spider pig beats Slime man once and for all. I can't wait!" she yelled, runing out of the training room. "Hollie's a new zombie pigman hybrid. She was the new kid before you and Juli came along. She love's comic books, so we get her some whenever we get stuff from Diamando village." he said.

I looked at the only person that hadn't said anything to me. He was wearing a light blue shirt and dark blue pants, with grey shoes. He had black hair and really dark eyes. His skin was tanned. He looked bored. "Hey, what's your name?" I asked. He looked at me. "Zack Undonze. Why?" Zack asked. "Just wanted to know. Trying to meet some people here." I said. "Ok, why me though?" he asked. "Your one of my friends friend. If they know you, I should meet you." I said. We sat awkwardly for a bit. "So, what kind of hybrid are you?" I asked. "Zombie. You?" Zack said. "Blaze." I said. "Then why aren't you with the other blaze hybrids?" he asked. "Had a bit of trouble. Why aren't you with the other zombies?" I asked. He did a short and rude laugh. "Zombies don't need to train. We can't do anything cool. Unlike a blaze, who can light themself and others on fire." he said. "Oh." I said quietly. We sat in awkward silents again. That is, in till another girl came around. "Hey there honey!" she said with a big smile on her face, giving Zack a hug from behind. He reached behind himself and put his arms on her. "Hey sweetheart." he said. The girl looked at me. "Who's your friend?" she asked. "That's Tally. This is Selina Blensi, a slime hybrid." he said. "And your girlfriend. Can't forget that." Selina said with a smile. "No, no I can't." Zack said.

Everyone started to leave the training roim. "Where are we going?" I asked. "Just for lunch. Come on!" Selina said. As we sat down, I saw how many hybrids were really here. There seemed to be hundreds walking, talking and eating in this room alone, with who know's how many outside or in other parts of this giant castle. It was mind blowing, just like the rest of this place.

That was in till I saw two people that I remembered from school. One had black, almost blue hair with two small red bows in it. She had green eyes and tanned skin, and was about the same height as me. She was wearing a small dark blue skirt and a dark blue shirt. The boy next to her was slightly taller, with the same dark hair. He had blue eyes and paler skin then the girl. He was wearing a red baseball hat, a navy blue sweater and dark blue jeans. They sat at the table next to ours.

"Crap." I said. "What is it?" Cybel asked. "I know thoughs people. They don't like me, and I don't like them." I said. "Who are they?" Edward asked. "The girl is Cilia Weblis, a cave spider hybrid. And the older guy, that's Spencer Crentle, a spider hybrid." Zack said. "Why don't you guys like each other?" Hollie asked. "I accidentally stole Cilia's best friend, so in return she stole my things, like a bracelet or a shirt. Spenser is her brother, so he just hate's me because she hate's me." I said. "They seem swell. Let's stay away from them, ok?" Owen said sarcastically. We all nodded. "Great." Juli said.

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