4. Attacked

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We sat and talked about me and Juli.

"You said that Cilia and Spenser were siblings, right. Then why do the have different last names?" Owen asked. "There only half brother and sister. There parents were never married when they had children, so the last names got all wonky. There still related, though." Juli said."So, you two didn't know each other before any of this?" Selina asked. I shook my head. "Nope. I only saw her in the halls at school. I didn't know her name or anything." I said. "Who were your friends, anyway?" Hollie asked. "Well, there was Lola, Tris, Kevin, Adam, Jared and Hannah." I said. Juli named some of her friends off. She stopped.

"What is it?" I asked. I looked behind me. Cilia and Spenser were right there. "Crap." Zack said. The two of them had big fake smiles. "Well, long time no see, Tabitha. How's Adam?" Cilia asked. "Fine. How do you like that new necklace you got from my house, Cecilia? It's nice, isn't it." I said with a fake nice voice. "Oh, she's wearing right now." Spenser said, pointing to Cilia's neck. She was wearing a small golden necklace with a fake emerald in it. That was the last thing she stole from me, before she was confirmed as a cave spider hybrid, a week before me. Happiest day of my life, second only to when she thought Spenser was dead. Good times. "Cilia, Spenser, come on!" I heard someone yell from the other side of the dinning hall. "Aw, looks like we got to go. See ya around, ok." Cilia said. "Will do." I said, planing many different ways of muder, with or with ought my newfound powers.

After we where done eating, Perla lead me away from the rest of the group. "Come on, I'll show you where your going to sleep. It's just above here." she said. I watched as she ran to meet up with the group again, leaving me to find the place. I floated out of the dinning hall and looked above us. I saw what was left of a tall tower, now swarming with hybrids. The once tall, pointed roof was now nothing more then a few stone blocks, now being used as benches where couples or friends sat talking. I found the stair case and floated up, no longer needing to touch the steps. I saw many doors along the way, each with names above them. At the very top, I found some empty rooms. I walked into one. The rooms were small, only having room for a bed, chest, crafting table, furnace and lights in the ceiling. I closed my door and started adding my things to my new room. I didn't have anything with me, so that made it quick.

"You want some stuff?" a voice said behind me, making me sceam. It was Cybel. "Relax, relax, it's just me. Anyway, if you want anything, I can show you where the shopping strip is. Don't worry about money, I can give you stuff to trade." she said. I noticed the small bag she had with her. "Ok, where do I go?" I asked. She held out her arm. "Grab my arm." she said. I raised my eyebrow, looking at her like she was crazy. "What? Were going to teleport." she said. I had almost forgot that she, and every other person in here, was a hybrid. Enderman in her case, meaning she can teleport.

I grabbed her arm. Suddenly, I felt like I was nothing. I felt like I had no body, was nowhere, and could do nothing. It was only for a second. When it was done, I was in what was a hallway, now a long strip mall with many shops and people trading and talking. "Alright, here's my stuff. If anyone ask's where you got it, just tell them it was me. I recommend getting some new clothes, some tools and weapons, and maybe some books or something. Good luck!" And just like that, she teleported away.

I walked from store to store, looking for whatever I needed. Finally, I found a shop selling clothing and books. Prefect. "Hello there. What can I get you?" the man in the shop asked. He had a large nose and dark hair. He was most likely a witch hybrid. I picked out some books and a few new outfits. "Alright then. Can you show me what you have in that bag, and I'll see what I can do." the shop owner said. I duped the contents of the bag on the table in front of him. There was some old clothing, books, a painting and an empty bottle. "Hmmm..." he said, looking at the stuff in front of him. "Lucky you, I need some of this stuff. I'll give you what you need for all of this stuff, including the bag." he said with a nod. "Deal." I said, handing him the empty bag. As he put Cybel's old things in the bag, I grabbed my things.

I was about to leave when I heard a loud bang. Everyone was still. This was no creeper or ghast. But what was it. Suddenly, I was blasted back by an explosion. It was far, so I was able to get back up and see what caused this. I saw nothing. Another bang, this one from the training room. I ran as the witch hybrids gave the injured people potions to heal there wounds.

"Tally!" I turned to see who it was. Juli was running to me, her clothes covered in blood. Another explosion, this one from the dinning hall. What was happening!? Juli gave me a hug, and started to cry into my shoulder. "No time, run!" I cried, dragging Juli behind me. She ran, yelling things I couldn't hear. More explosions, now in the towers with all of our rooms. I was starting to hear people screaming in pain, yelling for help.

More explosions sent stone blocks falling down to us, blocking the path for others running. "Tally!" a small voice called. Hollie was in the ruble, her leg under the stones. "Run ahead." I called to Juli. I ran back for Hollie, dogging stones and other things falling from above. I started to pull the rocks off of her. He leg was covered in blood, and bent at an odd angle. "Don't look at your leg." I called to her. She just nodded her head before passing out in my arms. I picked her up and started running again, hoping we would make it out alright. She was losing a lot of blood.

An unseen block hit my left sholder, causing me to fall, dropping Hollie. I tried to crawl to her. More stones and rocks and now, disturbingly, people, fell from above. A large block fell on my back, stopping me from moving. I started screaming for help, hoping someone would hear. My eyes were watering due to the pain in my shoulder and back, and the thought of me and Hollie not making it. I screamed louder.

I felt like I was going to pass out. My vision was blurry, with dark spots appearing and disappearing everywhere I looked. I felt blood on my legs and hands as I sat there, hoping I would at lest be able to save Hollie, who was passed out in the middle of the floor. Stones and rocks fell around us, blocking any clear paths. My body was numb and my head was throbbing. I knew I was going to die.

Suddenly, I saw Edward in front of me. I thought I was seeing things. Why would he be here? He was saying something, but I couldn't hear him over the ringing in my ears. I felt him push the rock off of me and pick me up. He knelt down and grabbed something else. Then, I was nothing. Did I die? Was I a ghost? My nothingness only lasted a second before I felt things again. I was now in some sort of deep jungle area, with dark trees around me.

I was placed on the ground, witch was covered in wet grass. Next to me was another person, but I couldn't see the face. People came to look at me, saying things to other people I couldn't see. Some gave the man in front of me a potion and pointed to me. What was that? The man toke the small cap off and opened my mouth. I was to hurt and tired to give a crap. He poured the potion in my mouth and closed it. The stuff tasted like budder. I swallowed the odd stuff. I then passed out almost instantly.

I woke up in the middle of the night. The moon was high in the sky, and stars were covering the the darkness. I felt better, but the injures in my shoulder and back were still there. Juli was sitting over me. Her cheeks were wet and her face was red, like she had been crying. "Tally, oh Tally, your awake. Thank god, your awake." she said, looking like she going to cry again. She was still wearing her bloody clothes. "Juli, are you alright?" I asked, grabbing the bottom of her shirt. She shook her head. "Tally, it's not mine! I-It's not my blood!" she yelled, crying into her hands. I put my arm over her. "W-Who's is it then?" I asked. Juli looked at me. "She was right there! I could have helped her. It's my falt!" she screamed. I grabbed both of her shoulders. "Juli, who's blood is on your clothes?" I asked again. She shook her head. "I-It's...Perla! S-She didn't make it. S-S-She..." Juli said before crying into my right shoulder.

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