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"Quick! Before he gets here!" whisper shouted Jay.

"Calm down I got this," replied Riley.

She finished wiring the igniter and checked her device. Yep it worked. Scurrying under the windows to not risk being seen, she exited the office. Jay, the lookout, was gesturing for her to hurry to him at the corner because around the opposite one there were footsteps.

"C'mon dude!" he whispered.

Riley, to avoid being heard running, gave Jay the two fingered salute. He knew what that meant. They used it only when the victim was close enough to hear them running. He quickly put one knee on the ground, the other bent almost like he was proposing except his arms were out stretched in front of him. Riley had figured out early that the floors of the school were extremely skidable. She bent down and pushed off with her feet sending her sliding towards Jay on her knees rather fast. He grabbed her hands and swung her round the corner while standing up at the same time so as she turned she jumped up at the end.

They held their breaths as they listened to whether they had been caught or not.

Only footsteps.

They silently fist pumped then used what looked like tiny versions of the mirror things that dentist put in your mouth, to look around the wall. Around the other corner the Principal came, his large belly swaying, straining the buttons of his white shirt suit.

Riley took the device from her pocket. Her finger hovering over a red button on the side of it as they watched him approach his office door. They waited, breaths shallow. As soon as the waddling man opened the door and set a foot inside the room, Riley pressed the button. The flour bomb detonated just as the eggs fell on the Principal's head. His girly screams had both Jay and Riley on the floor in tears as they tried to laugh quietly.

Soon the next addition went off and full out heavy metalcore played out of the office. More screams. Both teenagers had calmed down a bit and were dancing randomly to the music as they walked away. They had left the PA system on in the office so the music played throughout the whole school. Suddenly, the Principal's squeaky voice could be heard behind them.

"I'm gonna get you!!!!!! I'm gonna tear your fingers off and shove them down your throats and I don't care if I go to jail for it!!!" he shrieked.

The duo spun around. He hadn't reached them yet but classrooms were starting to stir so there would be plenty of witnesses. They sent each other a silent message with their eyes and ran. To the only place that they knew they were safe.

The oak tree on the edge of the field.

Jay had brought some stray cats up there a couple years ago and fed them laxatives so the people thought there were some random large birds constantly pooping on them. Needless to say, people stayed away permanently and the cats lived with Jay now.

The teens raced to the treeline that provided slight cover then made their way to the oak. Swinging their way up the tree, they reached their seats in record time. Leaning against the trunk, they caught their breath.

Riley and Jay looked at each other for a split second and burst out laughing. It carried on for a few minutes until they sobered up.

"Damn that was funny!" chuckled Riley, remembering the chubby man's screams.

"Bonus! I made sure the eggs were rotten so he will probably be smelling for the next few days," Jay grinned evilly.

Riley looked at him, amused.

"You seem to have an endless supply of rotten eggs. It's almost like you keep trays in your basement for months just for that purpose," she commented aloud.

Jay looked away as his cheeks were dusted with pink.

"Oh my gosh you do!!! Wow you learn something everyday, don't you eggman," said a smirking Riley.

"Shuddup..." was the mumbled reply.

They made eye contact again and smiled at one another, each enjoying the best friend that they had.

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