Chapter seventeen

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~a Month later~

(Sorry I just don't feel like doing the whole funeral thing)

It has been a month since your parents and Sakura died meaning Sarada had to move in with you,Sasuke and (Daughter name).

However on the contrary Sasuke did get his money back and on top of that you had money from inheritance.

Even though Sarada wasn't your real child you still cared for her as if she was after all she really seemed to love her little sister.

You look at Sasuke who was taking a nap with both Sarada and (daughters name) on his chest the three of them looked so cute you decided to take a picture.

"this is going to be my new wallpaper"you think to yourself while snickering.

You hear a knock on the door so you go to answer it.

It was Naruto.

"Hey (name)"He says entering your house.

"hi Naruto"you say smiling.

"Good to see your doing better after you know..."the blonde says lowering his head.

you sigh in annoyance.

"Yes I know don't remind me"You mutter.

The blonde smiles at you.

"You know for someone to smile again after a short amount of time you really are a strong person which is why...."the blonde says waiting for you to ask what.

"Why what?"You ask.

"You are invited to my wedding!"the blonde says excitedly.


"well if you feel like coming"he says scratching his head.

"Your getting married?"You ask lowering your head.

Naruto nods his head yes.

"yeah right"You hear a third voice bud in.

You both turn to see Sasuke.

"I AM TOO!"Naruto yells.

Sasuke chuckles.

"Id love to meet the fool dumb enough to marry you"Sasuke says still snickering.

Naruto glares at him.

"Fuck you"Naruto flicks sasuke off.

"Fine since you don't believe me I'll bring her over tonight so you can meet her then you'll see"Naruto says running out of the house.

~that night~

You were making dinner and Sasuke came down stairs.

You look at him.

"Aren't you going to get ready?"You ask raising an eyebrow.

"No I'm just going to be upstairs watching sports besides I never agreed to meet her it was all that losers idea"Sasuke says wrapping his arms round your waist.

"Mhm"you say.

He starts to kiss your neck.

"Noooo stoooppp I'm cooking babe"you say giggling.

He smirks.

"But I want you"Sasuke says seductively.

"No Sasuke they'll be here any minute but maybe if you were to get ready and join us for dinner I'll-"you stop talking as you noticed he had already went upstairs.

"Duck butt"you say laughing to yourself.

You then hear the door bell ring and you go to answer it.

As you open the door you see Naruto.

"Hey Naruto"You say hugging him.

"Hey (Name)"he says hugging you back.

"So where's your girl?"you ask.

Just as you say that a familiar blue haired girl.

Naruto wraps his arm around her.

"Here she is (Name) I would like you to meet my fiancé hinata and hinata this is my ex girlfriend (name)"Naruto introduces.

You then slam the door in there face.

~end of chapter seventeen~
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